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What is the definition of a Jew?

When people refer to THE JEWS , whom are they talking about in the demographic sense of the word.

Are they speaking of a religious group of people that adhere to a certain belief and belong to a certain denomination?

If so ,then why do some 90% of jews claim to be either agnostic or atheists? Is there such a religion that allows for the majority of its adherents to be atheists or agnostics and can continue calling themselves by that religion?

Are the jews therefore a nationality ? Can one be both ? Can a catholic gain citizenship in the vatican state?

Jews are automatically eligible for israeli citizenship whether or not they ever attend synagogue or have ever read the torah or even like being called a JEW!

Are they a race of people like the blacks or chinese?

Jews convert to other religions but can you convert out of the BLACK RACE and into something else?

Can a jew be simply a humanist and an atheist and still enjoy the right to israeli citizenship based on religious affiliation?

THIS IS ONE BIG JOKE being pushed down the throats of a very stupid AMERICAN PUBLIC.

The religion mask is just that,camouflage , a mask he can change at will as the situation changes.

The smartest thing the jews have ever done is to portray themselves as the ETERNALLY PERSECUTED RELIGIOUS MINORITY and the only other smart thing they did , ....was to DISCOVER KARL MARX!
Legion, what a pathetic existence you must have... I must be correct when I say you live in your momma's basement and jack off to Anime, and never got your hands on a pair of boobs. It is the only plausible explanation for your bizarre, obsessive, anti-social behavior.
i agree with voltaire.....this poster is a legion type poster

no life, full of hate, lives in mommy's basement and takes her trash out

It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions.

-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking about Israel at the United Nations, Sept. 2009