‘#JewsAgainstICE’ Is Transforming The Jewish Community,

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Returning Us To Our Diasporic Roots

This year, Jews across the United States marked the fast day of Tisha B’Av — the saddest day on the Jewish calendar which commemorates the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem — by protesting against a modern-day example of the destruction, uprooting, and banishment of communities: the detention and deportation of immigrants by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

These protests explicitly linked the themes of diasporic Jewish history memorialized by Tisha B’Av to contemporary political debates, which statements noting that “Tisha B’Av commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples and the generations of forced migration of our ancestors.”

But in using this uniquely Jewish diasporic lens on forced migration and uprooting, this Tisha B’Av action, and the public diasporic Jewish politics which it exemplifies, mark a key shift in diasporic Jewish political organizing. For decades, American Jews have defined themselves through Zionism, and a connection to Israel. But this new coalition is fighting against the nationalist instincts that have organized our community for so long. Instead, it is a return to a uniquely disaporic identity, and it’s sweeping across our community, erasing all other ideological divides.

In the face of a political movement that wants to preserve a monolithically white, identical notion of Americanness, diasporic Jews are saying that difference matters, and that we will defend the right of different communities of Americans to live here, free from threats of violence, deportation, and persecution.
It is an interesting article, well worth the time. It reinforces that fact that Zionism is a political movement. Any political movement is or should be, subject to criticism like any other.
It is an interesting article, well worth the time. It reinforces that fact that Zionism is a political movement. Any political movement is or should be, subject to criticism like any other.

It's not just Zionists. Jews who aren't Zionists feel the same way. This is about Jews wanting open borders.
It is an interesting article, well worth the time. It reinforces that fact that Zionism is a political movement. Any political movement is or should be, subject to criticism like any other.

Outside of Orthodox Judaism, Judaism is just a political movement against America and Christ.