Jimmy Carter's Marxist Goal was to internationalize the Panama Canal


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President Jimmy Carter fell headlong for this one and gave up one of the most strategic passageways in the world
to a company owned by Communist China. The U.S. Treaty with Panama that allowed the U.S. to build and control
the canal "in perpetuity" was abrogated by the Carter Administration for no apparent reason. The Chinese now
control it by owning both ports of both sides of it. So, the Chinese now control it, not only to our peril, but to that
of the world.
The biggest problem so far has been competence in running the canal....Panama expanded it without sourcing the water supply to do it sustainably.
Somewhat in Carters defense I have been told that the experts assured him the Panama would rely on America for technical expertise to run the canal for at least many decades.

That is not what happened.