APP - Jimmy Kimmel is a liar

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

But most of us knew that. It is the people who think Bill Nye the Science Guy is a climate expert that need educating.

Bottom line is Jimmy Kimmel is just trying to increase his ratings at the expense of exploiting his son. Kimmel fails to tell you something. He has enough money to pay for ANY surgery and medical care his son needs. No government healthcare plan is going to pay the kind of money Kimmel can afford. Typical lefty lunacy.

McCain is a bitter man so I expected him to do what he did. Rand Paul better rethink his opposition. Is this bill perfect? Nope. Is it what I want? Nope. But it is the first real chance to repeal this travesty.

Of course the health insurance companies hate it because they might actually have to compete in the free market with 50 states doing their own thing. It is easier for the health insurance companies to buy off a couple of senators. The dirty little secret is that nobody loves regulation and government control more than BIG business. They use it as a cudgel to stifle innovation and protect their jobs. It is called rent seeking.