APP - Jobs created at blistering pace. Will you hail Obama?


Right now our so called president, Tweety Trump is experiencing an excellent economy due to President Obama's work. Diehard apologists for Trump pretend Trump has something to do with these numbers, but anyone who understands economics, even a little, knows these jobs and activities have been in play before Trump. Given Trump's business failures noted below, anyone giving him credit for Obama's work is being dishonest or doesn't understand economics. Most people know this but some live in a partisan bubble where truth has no place.

Barack Obama's excellent record.

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.

Trump is disloyal as well, he proved that with his moronic tweet this past weekend.

Note: This thread brought to you as a way to counter Teflon Don's censorship of accurate information. Dishonest information must be countered to defend democracy from its enemies.

'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Thanks Obama for the 235,000 jobs in January. Americans remember how bad it was your first year after inheriting the Bush mess, it took a good year or more to come out of it. Hard to say how long it will take Trump to screw up the economy. Reagan did fine for a while but his defense spending didn't translate into jobs and he had to raise taxes constantly to keep the government afloat. If Trump wastes too on a useless wall and more bombs than ever needed, America will once again go backward. How long that will take is hard to say?

So far Trump has hired buffoons for his cabinet, signed useless executive orders when they aren't unconstitutional, and spends America's taxes on weekend golfing trips to Mar-a-lago. A man who pays no taxes is playing Americans for fools as he uses their money on his personal businesses. Too funny.
Thanks Obama for the 235,000 jobs in January. Americans remember how bad it was your first year after inheriting the Bush mess, it took a good year or more to come out of it. Hard to say how long it will take Trump to screw up the economy. Reagan did fine for a while but his defense spending didn't translate into jobs and he had to raise taxes constantly to keep the government afloat. If Trump wastes too on a useless wall and more bombs than ever needed, America will once again go backward. How long that will take is hard to say?

So far Trump has hired buffoons for his cabinet, signed useless executive orders when they aren't unconstitutional, and spends America's taxes on weekend golfing trips to Mar-a-lago. A man who pays no taxes is playing Americans for fools as he uses their money on his personal businesses. Too funny.

Carry on, and keep up the good work.

It bears repeating, over and over, that Obama basically saved us from a Second Great Republican Depression, entering office at the point that Dumbya had driven the economy right to the precipice of no return. The fact that Obama easily won two terms to office, handed illegitimate president Drumpf a pretty decent economy, make substantial progress on correcting GOP clusterfucks, and was a transformation president in terms of universal health care, and expanding civil rights, easily qualifies him to be in the top third ranking of presidents.

Obama ranked 12th best president by historians in new C-SPAN poll
President Barack Obama ranks as the 12th best U.S. president overall in a new poll of historians conducted by C-SPAN ahead of Presidents Day.
It's the first time Obama was eligible for the Presidential Historians Survey, which asked 91 historians to rank all 43 former presidents across 10 categories. Those include*"Pursued Equal Justice for All," in which Obama ranked 3rd, and "Relations with Congress," in which he ranked 39th.

more at

How long will it take before Trump's policies hurt jobs and the poor. The healthcare bill is a tax break for the rich and corporations, you would think Americans would learn. And that wall is another looser.

I agree that the wall is a ridiculous waste of money when the rush of illegal immigrants has fallen to a new low principally due to nafta taking jobs from the usa

the health care bill is a disaster for the poor and middle class and a boon to the 1%
Trump economy starts its tumble. Already a few blue chip stocks are down. Trickle down only works for the wealthy and yet the foolish electorate still believes. The rich in America must laugh at whites who vote for the rich.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth
Trump economy starts its tumble. Already a few blue chip stocks are down. Trickle down only works for the wealthy and yet the foolish electorate still believes. The rich in America must laugh at whites who vote for the rich.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth

Was Hillary poor?