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The Trump economy created twice as many jobs in the last quarter as were expected! Even the cowards on Wall Street took notice and bought back some of what they've been selling.
No wonder the Swamp dwelling neo-cons and loony toones Democrats hate this President He proves every day what incompetent crooked morons they've been for decades when it comes to running an economy.
The low-life crooked scumbags in Washington's cesspool are sooooo jealous of this President they call him a mother fucker, threaten to impeach him, swear to investigate him, subpoena his tax returns, decapitate him, assassinate him, kidnap his youngest child, blow up the White House, kick his supporters, scream at his supporters, harass his supporters call his supporters Wal-Mart stinking scum and toothless red necks and they belittle his beautiful wife and daughter. I love it when they prove they're everything they accuse and call this President.
No wonder the Swamp dwelling neo-cons and loony toones Democrats hate this President He proves every day what incompetent crooked morons they've been for decades when it comes to running an economy.
The low-life crooked scumbags in Washington's cesspool are sooooo jealous of this President they call him a mother fucker, threaten to impeach him, swear to investigate him, subpoena his tax returns, decapitate him, assassinate him, kidnap his youngest child, blow up the White House, kick his supporters, scream at his supporters, harass his supporters call his supporters Wal-Mart stinking scum and toothless red necks and they belittle his beautiful wife and daughter. I love it when they prove they're everything they accuse and call this President.