Text Drivers are Killers
Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Another monster Biden scandal buried by the worthless american press
oct 1 2020 Joe Biden's brother Frank, 66, owes the family of Michael Albano $1million, stemming from a car crash in 1999 where the single father died
Biden, the younger brother of presidential hopeful Joe, was found partially legally responsible for the death of Michael Albano in August 1999 but never acknowledged his liability - not even turning up for a single court hearing, meaning the case was a default judgment.
Albano died when he was crossing the road on Highway 101 in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, beside Encinitas, California, when a high-powered Jaguar XK8 convertible rented by Biden hit him at as much as 80mph. The speed limit was 35mph.
Biden, then 43, was riding shotgun when he shifted the 290hp car into manual and told the driver, Jason Turton, 25, to 'punch it,' just before hitting Albano.
Biden was allegedly heard saying 'keep driving' and Turton fled the scene, telling police someone advised him to, while another passenger in the car said 'everyone was drinking'.
Biden fled California leaving a trail of unpaid bills and never even turned up in court when Albano's family sued him, according to court documents.