APP - Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump on the Corona Virus Response

Trump needs to go back to failing at projects that do not kill people. He has failed in every endeavor he has started and yet he was able to get the biased, the bigoted, the racists, and uneducated to vote for him. Who would have thought America so dumb that electing a black man and having a woman run for president would lead to a fool as president.

'The President Is Trapped - Trump is utterly unsuited to deal with this crisis, either intellectually or temperamentally.'

"For his entire adult life, and for his entire presidency, Donald Trump has created his own alternate reality, complete with his own alternate set of facts. He has shown himself to be erratic, impulsive, narcissistic, vindictive, cruel, mendacious, and devoid of empathy. None of that is new."
Trump has proven beyond any doubt he is incompetent. That any person outside of his cult should vote for him this year is hard to understand. When he ran he was an unknown today he is a failure.

Reading for non-Trump cult Americans.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder 'On Tyranny'
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Hello and welcome Anvil Kasseri,

I believe that is related to the age of the message.

You can only thank/groan a message that was posted within the past month.

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Thanks. Makes sense. You seem well versed with chat rooms. Glad to have you join us. I don't know what your politics are yet, (interesting choice of screen name) but I am always glad to have polite posters join the discussions no matter what your beliefs. Please take note of my Personal Ignore Policy, which is designed to ensure that my experience here is pleasant and productive. I like learning and discussing politics, not into the personal stuff such as flame wars and insult contests. I hope my PIP is acceptable to you and we can have many great discussions. I do strictly enforce it, so if it is not acceptable we won't be talking long. That would be a shame, but you can't always get what you want.

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.
Hello and welcome Anvil Kasseri,
Thanks for the welcome.

I'm no fan of name-calling and personal attacks either. I understand APP to be a heavily moderated area where such things will not be much of a problem.

My politics: I'm pro-weapon. Pro guns in the hands of civilians. Pro guns in the hands of the police. Pro big defense budgets for our military. As such I usually end up voting for Republicans, but that is only because they support my positions on the issues that are important to me. I'm committed to the issues, not to the party. I did vote for Mr. Trump in 2016 and 2020.

Anvil Kasseri was a nuclear weapons test in the 1970s where we tested a modern version of a 1.2 megaton warhead. I like nukes and I like them big. I'd like to see the US return to unitary 1.2 megaton warheads on our ballistic missiles. If we ever have to nuke someone, they should know that they're getting nuked.
Hello Anvil Kasseri,

Thanks for the welcome.

I'm no fan of name-calling and personal attacks either. I understand APP to be a heavily moderated area where such things will not be much of a problem.

My politics: I'm pro-weapon. Pro guns in the hands of civilians. Pro guns in the hands of the police. Pro big defense budgets for our military. As such I usually end up voting for Republicans, but that is only because they support my positions on the issues that are important to me. I'm committed to the issues, not to the party. I did vote for Mr. Trump in 2016 and 2020.

Anvil Kasseri was a nuclear weapons test in the 1970s where we tested a modern version of a 1.2 megaton warhead. I like nukes and I like them big. I'd like to see the US return to unitary 1.2 megaton warheads on our ballistic missiles. If we ever have to nuke someone, they should know that they're getting nuked.

Very glad to have you. I welcome anyone to the discussions even if I completely disagree with their views. I feel it is more important to have respectful dialog than agreement.

Thanks for the background on your views. I am left of center but not radically so. We'll have to have the defense discussion another time in another thread.

I am really glad Joe Biden will be taking over from Donald Trump. I definitely feel that Biden will provide much better leadership than Trump. Our leadership would be more effective on the pandemic if people would more compliant with sensible government directives. Sadly, a lot of people will resent Biden and purposely reject compliance, and that will help the virus spread more. I view that behavior as unpatriotic.