John Bolton Verses The U.N. & Tucker Carlson


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John Bolton Versus The U.N. & Tucker Carlson

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he asked Bolton to resign after he "disagreed with many of his suggestions."

“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning,” Trump said on Twitter.

Trump fires John Bolton as national security adviser
Adam Edelman
Sep 10th 2019 12:16PM

I am still hoping for more details on the disagreements. Tucker Carlson’s details missed a few:


First let me correct Tucker Carlson. President Trump is more of a man of the Left than is John Bolton when you realize this was not a mistake. It was a calculated decision that was never corrected:

Trump’s biggest mistake was not firing all of those Clinton-Obama holdovers as soon as he was sworn in; most especially not firing all of those holdovers planted in key positions in intelligence agencies.

In defense of John Bolton there is only one detail that counts. John Bolton is not a stooge for the United Nations. Anybody that speaks highly of the U.N. is a traitor. Every one willingly taking part in the global government conspiracy is also a coward because they know they will never be arrested and convicted of treason.

Go back to why Bush the Younger only gave Mr. Bolton the post of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations as a recess appointment. Carlson dared not mention that detail.

Former Senator Paul Sarbanes was one of the best friends the United Nations ever had in the Senate. The big global government knives were out to prevent Bolton’s confirmation. For all of the Democrat talk about John Bolton’s prickly personalty it was Senator Paul Sarbanes who stated the true reason Democrats opposed Bolton so vehemently. Tucker Carlson could have repeated Sarbanes word for word. Move the cursor to 2:25.


To send someone as our ambassador to the United Nations who does not demonstrate a basic respect for the institution and its legal foundations is a disservice to our national interests. This has nothing to do with whether you're going to carry out reforms at the U.N. or more closely monitor its activities. This represents very basic questions about one's mind-set about the United States, about the United Nations and about international law. Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.).

Sarbanes’ complete remarks embraced two assumptions that leading Democrats and their willing accomplices in the mainstream media passed off as the wishes of a majority of Americans. Those two assumptions are the foundation for the Left’s anti-sovereignty ideology. Note that Democrats never had to defend that ideology. All they ever had to do was to show up on TV and talk like Americans and the U.N. are one and the same —— knowing they would not be challenged.

The first of Sarbanes’ two assumptions declared that U.S. membership in the U.N. serves this country’s national interests. That is not true. It is not even debatable.

Proof: Democrats will never allow themselves to be maneuvered into openly defending their anti-sovereignty agenda; so in confirmation hearings they must always rely upon the personal attack. In Bolton’s case the attack was so petty I was sure Democrats had sworn a blood oath vowing to stop anyone from going to the U.N. who might offend that sorry assortment of charity hustlers, thugs, crooks, and dictators Democrats love so dearly.

As for respect: It is pretty hard to respect an institution that has always been as anti-America and as corrupt as is the U.N.

Sarbanes’ second assumption moved International law from fantasy to fictitious-fact.

You do not have to be a genius to see how an undiplomatic statement like the ones John Bolton made in 1999 brought Sarbanes and the other Democrats out from under their rocks. Bolton’s position was a heresy to the anti-American Left; second only to dumping on the U.N. itself. Bolton’s failure to grant respectability to non-existent International law angered Democrats much more than anything he ever said to a subordinate.

During John Bolton’s confirmation hearing U.N.-loving Democrats sounded like anti-Vietnam War Democrats. In both cases they dared not say what they really stood for. In the Vietnam years they said they were against the war without ever saying they stood for Communism/Socialism. Throughout Bolton’s hearing they said they stood for the U.N. without ever saying they really stood for surrendering America’s sovereignty to a global government administered by their beloved United Nations.

The best part of Bolton’s pronouncements clearly withheld legitimacy from the U.N.’s International Court of Justice (World Court) as well as every phoney baloney spinoff like the International Criminal Court.

John Bolton becoming President Trump’s national security adviser must have sent Joe Biden ‘round the bend. Political junkies probably remember the John Bolton confirmation fight in 2005. Democrats led by then-Senator Biden and disgraced former Senator Chris Dodd torpedoed Bolton’s appointment as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. because Bolton supposedly treated subordinates badly.

But the most offensive big knife out to prevent Bolton’s confirmation was wielded by failed presidential candidate.

QUESTION: How can you fault a guy who was opposed by John Kerry? ANSWER: You cannot.

Then-Sen. John Kerry said he had serious questions about Bolton's "commitment to the U.N."

"It is critical we have someone with respect for diplomacy, who believes in the United Nations despite its flaws," he said.

Who would you respect? Vietnam traitor, then-Secretary of State John Kerry who later gave Iran the keys to the kingdom? —— or a U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations who thinks like this?

Everybody pursues their national interests. The only one who gets blamed for it is the United States. John Bolton

There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. John Bolton

John Bolton, the man Senate Democrats would not confirm, had this to say about non-existent International law:

“It is a big mistake for us to grant any validity to international law even when it may seem in our short-term interest to do so -- because, over the long term, the goal of those who think that international law really means anything are those who want to constrict the United States.”

Judge Bork said that in 2002.

"International law is not law but politics, ... there is no such law, and the pretense that it exists is a harmful fantasy." Robert Bork

It was a pity John Bolton failed to remind Sarbanes that International law is a traitor’s fantasy.

Then-Senators Joe Biden and the late Ted Kennedy led the charge to deny Judge Bork’s confirmation to the SCOTUS. That was one more example of where the Democrat Party’s first loyalty lies.

Finally, Carlson says a few good things in his monologues. The problem is that he gives Lefties a lot of face time on his show. Worse than that, whenever Carlson says the word “democracy” he gives the impression that it is good for the American people.
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Then-Senators Joe Biden and the late Ted Kennedy led the charge to deny Judge Bork’s confirmation to the SCOTUS.


Obviously, Joe Biden is rapidly descending into senility. Before he hits bottom his brain recently turned into Silly Putty. Everybody in the world —— except a crook, a liar, a man who was never right about anything in his life —— might get away with campaigning on the silliest religious slogan ever dreamed up:

Biden is campaigning on a platform of "restoring the soul" of America, aiming to reverse the influence of Trump, whom he blames for the white nationalist riots in Charlottesville, Va. Yet the former VP played a key role in the political declaration of war that turned Bork's last name into a verb. On Tuesday, he bragged about that.

'Moderate' Joe Biden Bragged About the Political Hit Job on Robert Bork
By Tyler O'Neil October 19, 2019

Only a diseased brain could possibly believe that rank & file Democrat voters want the nomination handed to a loser like Biden.

Note that Biden never got more more than one percent of the votes in his two previous presidential campaigns, yet he is counting on media polls telling him he is a shoo-in for the nomination followed by defeating Donald Trump in the general election.

Frankly, Trump should pray that Biden gets the nomination. Based on Biden’s track record, minus riding in on Obama’s coattails, Silly Putty will get less than one percent in the general election. Proof: Democrat voters never want him —— nobody else wants him either.
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The Deep State is freaking out

They know their crimes are about to be uncovered.

They would likely try to assassinate Trump but that would not solve their problem

This is not about Trump. This is about those of us who voted for Trump
"International law is not law but politics, ... there is no such law, and the pretense that it exists is a harmful fantasy." Robert Bork

QUESTION: How can a harmful fantasy be right or wrong?

This mirrors Pompeo’s view that, although U.S. administrations since Reagan’s have considered “unrestrained settlement activity. . .an obstacle to peace, they wisely and prudently recognized that dwelling on legal positions didn’t advance peace.” (Emphasis added) Stating what should be obvious, he noted:

There will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict, and arguments about who is right and who is wrong as a matter of international law will not bring peace. This is a complex political problem that can only be solved by negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.

These two are still an obstacle to this country:

Pompeo has it right, and the departure of John Kerry and Barack Obama from this wise and prudential approach is itself an obstacle to peace.

Posted on November 18, 2019
by Paul Mirengoff in Israel, Mike Pompeo, Trump Foreign Policy
Secrtary Pompeo: West Bank settlements do not violate the law

Finally, PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY administered by the United Nations was, and remains, Kerry’s and Obama’s Middle East foreign policy. Thank God, most Americans no longer care about television mouths selling the worldview of two America-haters. More importantly, at long last most Americans know better than to believe anything said by two traitors.
These right wing red necks on these boards are traitors to this great country. That's their future , they will be known as traitors for the rest of their lives and that justice.
I do not give a rat’s about anything John Bolton says about Trump. Bolton has one saving grace. Trump has none where the U.N. is concerned:

In defense of John Bolton there is only one detail that counts. John Bolton is not a stooge for the United Nations. Anybody that speaks highly of the U.N. is a traitor. Every one willingly taking part in the global government conspiracy is also a coward because they know they will never be arrested and convicted of treason.

John Bolton memoir pollutes Senate Republicans
by Quin Hillyer
June 18, 2020 05:29 PM

Clearly, U.N.-ass-kissing television liars, Donald Trump, and scum-sucking establishment Republicans, are siding with Democrats at John Bolton’s confirmation hearing:

Former Senator Paul Sarbanes was one of the best friends the United Nations ever had in the Senate. The big global government knives were out to prevent Bolton’s confirmation. For all of the Democrat talk about John Bolton’s prickly personalty it was Senator Paul Sarbanes who stated the true reason Democrats opposed Bolton so vehemently. Tucker Carlson could have repeated Sarbanes word for word. Move the cursor to 2:25.


To send someone as our ambassador to the United Nations who does not demonstrate a basic respect for the institution and its legal foundations is a disservice to our national interests. This has nothing to do with whether you're going to carry out reforms at the U.N. or more closely monitor its activities. This represents very basic questions about one's mind-set about the United States, about the United Nations and about international law. Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.).​

And let us forget then-Senator Biden before he descended to darkest depths of senility:

John Bolton becoming President Trump’s national security adviser must have sent Joe Biden ‘round the bend. Political junkies probably remember the John Bolton confirmation fight in 2005. Democrats led by then-Senator Biden and disgraced former Senator Chris Dodd torpedoed Bolton’s appointment as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. because Bolton supposedly treated subordinates badly.

Naturally, the Vietnam War traitor had to jump in. I expect Kerry to side with Trump over Bolton’s comments in his memoir:

Then-Sen. John Kerry said he had serious questions about Bolton's "commitment to the U.N."

"It is critical we have someone with respect for diplomacy, who believes in the United Nations despite its flaws," he said.

I assume the traitor believes the United Nations because that collection of Communist-lovers did not sanction the Vietnam War.

Who would you respect? Vietnam traitor, then-Secretary of State John Kerry who later gave Iran the keys to the kingdom? —— or a U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations who thinks like this?

Everybody pursues their national interests. The only one who gets blamed for it is the United States. John Bolton

There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. John Bolton

John Bolton, the man Senate Democrats would not confirm, had this to say about non-existent International law:

“It is a big mistake for us to grant any validity to international law even when it may seem in our short-term interest to do so -- because, over the long term, the goal of those who think that international law really means anything are those who want to constrict the United States.”​

Not just Bolton, also Kelly, Mathis, Tilerson, Scaramucci, Spencer, Sims, and others, these aren’t Omarosas, not Rinos, not Never Trumpers, favorites of the right, Fox regulars, Trump insiders, and they have come out in public to warn Americans Trump is incompetent, unqualified, unprincipled, and in one case, “a f*cking idiot”

Now let’s see Tucker invalidate their collective opinion
Not just Bolton, also Kelly, Mathis, Tilerson, Scaramucci, Spencer, Sims, and others, these aren’t Omarosas, not Rinos, not Never Trumpers, favorites of the right, Fox regulars, Trump insiders, and they have come out in public to warn Americans Trump is incompetent, unqualified, unprincipled, and in one case, “a f*cking idiot”

Now let’s see Tucker invalidate their collective opinion

Don’t give a fuck what they think

Let them join Biden’s campaign

BTW majority of voters thinks Biden has dementia. Not good for your guy