John Boner Calls Congressmen/women who want to withdraw from iraq "Wimps"



Yeah, talk about wimps! When Boner started sobbing on the house floor, I was wondering if he was taking estrogen pills.

and where did you ever fight..besides your pantie hose,pimple medication and a occasional parasol not to mention beer chaser hangovers???

Oh yeah and I'm pretty sure Barbara could kick your ass too...get back to us when ya get back from Thailand...or
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Boners is just acting in desperation.
As with the resurgence of Bush apologists on the net.

Man, the desparation of the bush apologists is thick in the air.

BB hardly does anthing here, except to divert and defend bush.

Over on this other board, the neocons are holding hands and trying to buck each others fortitude up, by suggesting that maybe, just maybe, the surge is "working"
Yeah kinda like a revival or prayer meeting.
wishes will not help anything at this point, action in the correct direction is needed.

Man, the desparation of the bush apologists is thick in the air.

BB hardly does anthing here, except to divert and defend bush.

Over on this other board, the neocons are holding hands and trying to buck each others fortitude up, by suggesting that maybe, just maybe, the surge is "working"

You are the desparate one are the one who always turns every subject into bashing GW...then cry when some slap ya for it!...Get a life...go to Thailand and experience real life in real time...then get back to us...!
Cypress, on Thialand good luck I don't want to go back over there. It sucks big time to me.
I do hope you enjoy it though.

And I hate Thai food!

Cypress, on Thialand good luck I don't want to go back over there. It sucks big time to me.
I do hope you enjoy it though.

And I hate Thai food!

What no spicey hot monkey brains and dog stew for you...'bad boy bad boy...whatcha gonna do when they come for you' never mind ya will go for the goat stew!

Goat stew is ok if not prepared in thai style.

I had a girl friend from the ME who gave me a great receipe...she claimed to be a Princess of some sort ...who was secular...she was secular to be sure and the stew was excellent...however a Princess I am not so sure about...why would a Princess associate with a blue collar dude...heaven forbid...but hey life can be good and fun from time to time...! I miss her...lost contact and such but have fond memories!
Ahhh those old girl friends.....
And of course the current ones.
One of mine left me because she thought since I had money I would build a mansion with a cement pond and all that. I might send her toppers way :)
Darn down to 2 ladies now.
and sometimes that is 2 too many.