John Kerry calls Maineman stupid

if your not smart you go into the military....

is kerry a republican?? he already lost one for the dems in 04 does he want to lose it for them in 06

good thing im smart and got a 95 on my accounting midterm or id have to go into the military where dumb idiots like Maineman and other troops go b/c they are borderline retarded.
Thanks... You could tell I was retarded when I was in the military by the way I was able to learn Russian in 47 weeks and able to speak it as well as any high school graduate from Russia....

It was just plain stupid of me to go in, and I was even in during the Gulf War I...

I feel so embarrassed that Kerry caught me and my mental retardation and exposed it to the world.
He did not say that, just like Gore did not say he invented the internet!

It really upsets me that people are this fucking idiotic.

Why do you all FALL for Bush's shit.

Its BUSH who leaped to the conculsion that Kerry was talking about the troops. Its Bush who thinks the Military is full of idiots! Why are you all not upset with BUSH! Its Bush who does not care enough about the lives of our troops to admit a mistake and fire Rumsfeld.

You are talking about words put into Kerrys mouth while Bush's policies are killing troops!
if your not smart you go into the military....

is kerry a republican?? he already lost one for the dems in 04 does he want to lose it for them in 06

good thing im smart and got a 95 on my accounting midterm or id have to go into the military where dumb idiots like Maineman and other troops go b/c they are borderline retarded.

no.... what really happened is that maineman called connecticut stud stupid.
If I were still in, I am sure they would have sent me back to learn Arabic and I'd be in Iraq... I certainly couldn't have been even remotely considered "uneducated" though.