John Kerry: U.S. Soldiers Not 'Smart'


Junior Member
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006 1:45 p.m. EST
John Kerry: U.S. Soldiers Not 'Smart'

Sen. John Kerry has sparked outrage by suggesting that U.S. troops in Iraq are uneducated and not "smart.”

At a campaign event for California gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides at Pasadena City College on Monday, the Massachusetts Democrat and Vietnam veteran said: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Kerry’s troop-bashing remarks belie the truth about the educational level of U.S. troops. According to figures readily available on the Internet, 99.9 percent of the enlisted forces have at least a high school education, 73.3 percent have some college, 16.2 percent have an associate’s degree or equivalent semester hours, and 4.7 have a bachelor’s degree.

What’s more, over 85 percent of field grade officers have advanced degrees – 70.7 percent have master’s degrees, 12.1 percent have professional degrees and 2.5 percent have doctorate degrees.

"Senator Kerry not only owes an apology to those who are serving, but also to the families of those who’ve given their lives in this,” White House press secretary Tony Snow said regarding Kerry’s remarks.

"This is an absolute insult.”

Sen. John McCain, another Vietnam veteran, also called on Kerry to apologize, saying: "The suggestion that only the least educated Americans would agree to serve in the military and fight in Iraq is an insult to every soldier serving in combat.”

Kerry on Tuesday tried to deflect the criticism by issuing a statement accusing Snow and "assorted right-wing nut-jobs” of distorting the remarks "to divert attention from their disastrous record.”

He added, in a seeming non sequitur: "I’m sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did.”

Critics like Vietnam veteran John McCain, Mister Senator?
Don't know about the troops themselves, but the tactics US commanders have employed in Iraq indicate that they aren't that smart....
Kerry did not say that, he said if you do poorly in school and get bad grades (like the president) you willl end up (like the president) stuck in Iraq.
This has bigger legs than you guys are giving credit. Kerry was supposed to help some friends in the D Party get some money, instead he'll be sitting at home. He has egg on his face and is unwilling to admit he needs a washcloth.
This has bigger legs than you guys are giving credit. Kerry was supposed to help some friends in the D Party get some money, instead he'll be sitting at home. He has egg on his face and is unwilling to admit he needs a washcloth.

Maybe, but only because Bush was willing to pretend he did not understand and was willing to throw the troops under the bus to try to gain political advantage. Bush would have done better by the troops to have said, "I think he was trying to make a cheap joke at my expense, not the troops."
Regardless, Kerry could have diffused it as a tool if he just made a simple statement rather than what he did make. He handed it right back to them.

There is a reason that those people cancelled appearances with Kerry at this time and it isn't because this doesn't matter.
Regardless, Kerry could have diffused it as a tool if he just made a simple statement rather than what he did make. He handed it right back to them.

There is a reason that those people cancelled appearances with Kerry at this time and it isn't because this doesn't matter.

True Kerry stands up for truth over what is politically smart. I respect him for that, but the Democrats suffer when Americans fall for this kind of shit!
Regardless, Kerry could have diffused it as a tool if he just made a simple statement rather than what he did make. He handed it right back to them.

There is a reason that those people cancelled appearances with Kerry at this time and it isn't because this doesn't matter.

Exactly! And what's amazing is, he was given an opportunity to admit his mistake and failed to do so, instead, becoming defiant and indignant. I suppose some people just can't admit when they were wrong.
Exactly! And what's amazing is, he was given an opportunity to admit his mistake and failed to do so, instead, becoming defiant and indignant. I suppose some people just can't admit when they were wrong.

Because he was telling the truth and not pandering at the expense of the troops!

Bush is discusting, but it works...
Because he was telling the truth and not pandering at the expense of the troops!

Bush is discusting, but it works...
Rubbish. My statement allowed for him to 'tell the truth' at the same time as apologizing. One can do both without even losing a tiny bit of political 'face'.
So you are upset at Kerry for not saying he was sorry clearly enough... but not at Bush for deflecting this off himself and onto the troops?
Maybe you are not upset at him, but if you truely belive that he intended to call the troops uneducated and unintelegent you should be upset at him, I would be!
Not really, what he says of the troops has little bearing on the reality. It just makes him look more of an ass and have less of a chance in 2008.
Not really, what he says of the troops has little bearing on the reality. It just makes him look more of an ass and have less of a chance in 2008.

He has no chance in 08' never had...

I would be upset at any United States Senator called the troops uneducated or stupid.

I am and would be irate if any United States President was so careless with there lives that he would send even ONE of them to die for something like Iraq.
He has no chance in 08' never had...

I would be upset at any United States Senator called the troops uneducated or stupid.

I am and would be irate if any United States President was so careless with there lives that he would send even ONE of them to die for something like Iraq.
Hence my belief that we should return to the Constitutional protection of War Declaration and get rid of the War Powers Act. These undeclared wars have never failed to turn into debacles.
Hence my belief that we should return to the Constitutional protection of War Declaration and get rid of the War Powers Act. These undeclared wars have never failed to turn into debacles.

Okay, but first lets pound on the president and those who are supporting this slaughter... not play silly rhetoric games about what Kerry said or did not say.

Lets get out of this DEBACLE and then fix the system so it cant happen again!
Okay, but first lets pound on the president and those who are supporting this slaughter... not play silly rhetoric games about what Kerry said or did not say.

Lets get out of this DEBACLE and then fix the system so it cant happen again!
The amazing thing is, we can do both at once. I can talk about what Kerry said about the troops at the same time as worrying about the Constitution. It's called multi-tasking. I was pretty sure that liberals kept attempting to say that they were able to do this!