John Kerry’s Chapeau


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Far Left Hack Jen Psaki Lashes Out at Conservatives as “Russian Tools” After She Is Pictured in Communist Hat Standing Next to Lavrov
By Jim Hoft
Published December 2, 2020 at 3:55pm

To be fair, Kerry did not want to steal Psaki’s thunder at the photo op so he did not put his hat on:

Incidentally, whatever Kerry threw away at that demonstration in 1971 he never tossed these medals:

Earlier this year, Kerry was asked by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, if he regretted throwing his medals away, and responded, “There was no regret,” but he added, “I threw away my ribbons, not my medals.”

By Ed Robinson
April 26, 2004 | 4:00am

Far Left Hack Jen Psaki Lashes Out at Conservatives as “Russian Tools” After She Is Pictured in Communist Hat Standing Next to Lavrov
By Jim Hoft
Published December 2, 2020 at 3:55pm

To be fair, Kerry did not want to steal Psaki’s thunder at the photo op so he did not put his hat on:

Incidentally, whatever Kerry threw away at that demonstration in 1971 he never tossed these medals:

Earlier this year, Kerry was asked by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, if he regretted throwing his medals away, and responded, “There was no regret,” but he added, “I threw away my ribbons, not my medals.”

By Ed Robinson
April 26, 2004 | 4:00am

well, since russia has not been communist since 1993, does it matter if a russian ambassador gives a state dept. guest a warm russian hat with a hammer and sickle emblem? what do you think it means if she puts it on, that she is a communist because of the emblem? are you this stupid? why do you let fox and the NY Post and rush tell you what you should be upset about or not. how does wearing that hat mean anything at all, except it was a gift, and it was cold as hell in Russia when she got it?

as far as Kerry goes, he won the Silver Star, the country's second highest combat medal, the Bronze Star, the third, and volunteered, even as a rich kid, to serve in Vietnam, but then volunteered to captain a Swift Boat, whose job was to go up and down the Mekong River as bait, and when the viet cong or north vietnamese attacked, to attack them at great risk to themselves. all this while Trump paid a doctor to claim he had bone spurs, and took 4 student deferments and later said soldiers who went to vietnam were suckers and losers. and you fucking try to say Kerry was not a true patriot, you piece of shit bitch?

Kerry earned his Silver Star later in February when he jumped onto the beach from his boat to chase and shoot a guerrilla who had a rocket launcher and who, Kerry thought, was about to fire a rocket at Kerry’s boat. According to the Boston Globe, another member of the crew on Kerry’s boat - Frederic Short, with whom Kerry had not talked for 34 years until being contacted by the Globe reporter - confirmed the account and said there was no doubt Kerry’s action saved the boat and crew.

Republican Sen. John Warner, who was Under Secretary of the Navy at the time, said there was careful checking for the Silver Star award and “I think we best acknowledge that his heroism did gain that recognition.”

A third Purple Heart and Bronze Star was awarded in March 1969 when Kerry’s boat took fire, sending a man overboard. Kerry, who said his injuries came from an underwater mine, returned to pull the man to safety and to assist another damaged boat. Jim Rassmann, the man who fell overboard, confirmed the account in a detailed article in the Wall Street Journal.

FLORENCE, Ore. — The eyes still get watery 35 years later, and Jim Rassmann -- former Green Beret, retired California cop -- doesn’t want anybody to see. He turns away or uses his beefy hands to cover up.
But he gets through it, recalling in vivid detail the day, March 13, 1969, when John F. Kerry snatched him out of a muddy brown river in Vietnam and saved him from a watery end.

The story has been told often since January, when the two men reunited in Des Moines, just two days before the Iowa primary. Their emotional reunion has been described as a turning point in Kerry’s quest for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Rassmann, a registered Republican, held the audience rapt that night with the dramatic tale of his rescue.

The group had already lost one soldier that day. As they sped down the river, one boat was blown out of the water, and then another. An explosion wounded Kerry in the arm and threw Rassmann into the river. Rassmann dove to the bottom to avoid being run over by the other boats. When he surfaced, he saw the convoy had gone ahead.

Viet Cong snipers fired at him, and Rassmann submerged over and over to avoid being hit. The bullets came from both banks, and Rassmann had nowhere to go. He began thinking his time had come, but the fifth time he came up, he saw the convoy had turned around. Kerry had ordered the boats back to pick up the man overboard.

Kerry’s boat, under heavy fire, sidled up to the struggling soldier. Rassmann tried to scramble up a cargo net at the bow but was too exhausted to make it all the way. He clung to the net as bullets whizzed past.

“Next thing I knew, John came out in the middle of all this,” Rassmann says. “I couldn’t believe it. He was going to get killed. He ran to the edge, reached over with his good arm [Kerry had been wounded in his right arm] and pulled me over the lip.”

Rassmann later recommended Kerry for the Silver Star, and was upset when the Army instead awarded Kerry a lesser Bronze Star with a “V” for valor. The medal citation described Kerry’s actions on the river that day.

Far Left Hack Jen Psaki Lashes Out at Conservatives as “Russian Tools” After She Is Pictured in Communist Hat Standing Next to Lavrov
By Jim Hoft
Published December 2, 2020 at 3:55pm

To be fair, Kerry did not want to steal Psaki’s thunder at the photo op so he did not put his hat on:

Incidentally, whatever Kerry threw away at that demonstration in 1971 he never tossed these medals:

Earlier this year, Kerry was asked by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, if he regretted throwing his medals away, and responded, “There was no regret,” but he added, “I threw away my ribbons, not my medals.”

By Ed Robinson
April 26, 2004 | 4:00am

What an idiot
To Hoosier Daddy: The Democrat Party is the party of liars. In short: Democrats lied about everything long before the 2020 election fabrications —— even long before Kerry’s lies about the Iran Nuclear Deal. So you might consider comparing the truth of your sources against everything Swift Boat Vets say:

Kerry said his “deep mistrust” of U.S. government statements began when he was in Cambodia at Christmas listened to President Richard Nixon claim that no American troops were there.

The Swifties begin by saying that Richard Nixon was not president during Christmas of 1968 so there could not have been the broadcast that Kerry says he heard.

Swift Boat veteran John O’Neill charges that Kerry lied about Cambodia and that he was never closer than 50-miles to the Cambodian border.

O’Neill says that all the living commanders in Kerry’s chain of command deny that Kerry could have gone there and that if he had, he would have been seriously disciplined or court-martialed.

O’Neill adds that three of the five crewmen on Kerry’s swift boat also deny that they ever went into Cambodia.

Accusations against John Kerry from Former Navy Swift Boat crewmen from the Vietnam War-Truth!, Fiction! & Disputed!
Military / By Rich Buhler & Staff / March 17, 2015

well, since russia has not been communist since 1993, does it matter if a russian ambassador gives a state dept. guest a warm russian hat with a hammer and sickle emblem? what do you think it means if she puts it on, that she is a communist because of the emblem? are you this stupid? why do you let fox and the NY Post and rush tell you what you should be upset about or not. how does wearing that hat mean anything at all, except it was a gift, and it was cold as hell in Russia when she got it?

as far as Kerry goes, he won the Silver Star, the country's second highest combat medal, the Bronze Star, the third, and volunteered, even as a rich kid, to serve in Vietnam, but then volunteered to captain a Swift Boat, whose job was to go up and down the Mekong River as bait, and when the viet cong or north vietnamese attacked, to attack them at great risk to themselves. all this while Trump paid a doctor to claim he had bone spurs, and took 4 student deferments and later said soldiers who went to vietnam were suckers and losers. and you fucking try to say Kerry was not a true patriot, you piece of shit bitch?

Kerry earned his Silver Star later in February when he jumped onto the beach from his boat to chase and shoot a guerrilla who had a rocket launcher and who, Kerry thought, was about to fire a rocket at Kerry’s boat. According to the Boston Globe, another member of the crew on Kerry’s boat - Frederic Short, with whom Kerry had not talked for 34 years until being contacted by the Globe reporter - confirmed the account and said there was no doubt Kerry’s action saved the boat and crew.

Republican Sen. John Warner, who was Under Secretary of the Navy at the time, said there was careful checking for the Silver Star award and “I think we best acknowledge that his heroism did gain that recognition.”

A third Purple Heart and Bronze Star was awarded in March 1969 when Kerry’s boat took fire, sending a man overboard. Kerry, who said his injuries came from an underwater mine, returned to pull the man to safety and to assist another damaged boat. Jim Rassmann, the man who fell overboard, confirmed the account in a detailed article in the Wall Street Journal.

FLORENCE, Ore. — The eyes still get watery 35 years later, and Jim Rassmann -- former Green Beret, retired California cop -- doesn’t want anybody to see. He turns away or uses his beefy hands to cover up.
But he gets through it, recalling in vivid detail the day, March 13, 1969, when John F. Kerry snatched him out of a muddy brown river in Vietnam and saved him from a watery end.

The story has been told often since January, when the two men reunited in Des Moines, just two days before the Iowa primary. Their emotional reunion has been described as a turning point in Kerry’s quest for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Rassmann, a registered Republican, held the audience rapt that night with the dramatic tale of his rescue.

The group had already lost one soldier that day. As they sped down the river, one boat was blown out of the water, and then another. An explosion wounded Kerry in the arm and threw Rassmann into the river. Rassmann dove to the bottom to avoid being run over by the other boats. When he surfaced, he saw the convoy had gone ahead.

Viet Cong snipers fired at him, and Rassmann submerged over and over to avoid being hit. The bullets came from both banks, and Rassmann had nowhere to go. He began thinking his time had come, but the fifth time he came up, he saw the convoy had turned around. Kerry had ordered the boats back to pick up the man overboard.

Kerry’s boat, under heavy fire, sidled up to the struggling soldier. Rassmann tried to scramble up a cargo net at the bow but was too exhausted to make it all the way. He clung to the net as bullets whizzed past.

“Next thing I knew, John came out in the middle of all this,” Rassmann says. “I couldn’t believe it. He was going to get killed. He ran to the edge, reached over with his good arm [Kerry had been wounded in his right arm] and pulled me over the lip.”

Rassmann later recommended Kerry for the Silver Star, and was upset when the Army instead awarded Kerry a lesser Bronze Star with a “V” for valor. The medal citation described Kerry’s actions on the river that day.
To Hoosier Daddy: The Democrat Party is the party of liars. In short: Democrats lied about everything long before the 2020 election fabrications —— even long before Kerry’s lies about the Iran Nuclear Deal. So you might consider comparing the truth of your sources against everything Swift Boat Vets say:

Kerry said his “deep mistrust” of U.S. government statements began when he was in Cambodia at Christmas listened to President Richard Nixon claim that no American troops were there.

The Swifties begin by saying that Richard Nixon was not president during Christmas of 1968 so there could not have been the broadcast that Kerry says he heard.

Swift Boat veteran John O’Neill charges that Kerry lied about Cambodia and that he was never closer than 50-miles to the Cambodian border.

O’Neill says that all the living commanders in Kerry’s chain of command deny that Kerry could have gone there and that if he had, he would have been seriously disciplined or court-martialed.

O’Neill adds that three of the five crewmen on Kerry’s swift boat also deny that they ever went into Cambodia.

Accusations against John Kerry from Former Navy Swift Boat crewmen from the Vietnam War-Truth!, Fiction! & Disputed!
Military / By Rich Buhler & Staff / March 17, 2015

he was wrong about some of his timeline, as he talked about it years later, but his mistakes were irrelevant, dumbshit punk. you are the stupid fuck punk who believed the paid off Swift Boat liars, who gave after action reports PRAISING Kerry, who did not report any of the crap they later claimed, and after their lies were exposed, no credible news media covered them anymore, but it did not stop Fox from having them on almost every night to repeat their goddamn lies.

you believe these paid off liars more than a Green Beret, then police officer in private life, who recommended Kerry for our country's highest military combat honor?

Swift Boat Liars exposed - Daily › story
Swift Boat Liars exposed. Aug 19, 2004 9:47pm Pacific ... THE definitive takedown of Swift Boats for Gutter Politics, courtesy of the NYT. A series of interviews ...

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth - › index.php › Swift_Boat_Veter...
The fact that Fox financed this project was revealed during his Senate confirmation hearings
to become US ambassador to Belgium. Although the Senate blocked ...

John Kerry Swift Boats - › Fact Checks › Politics › Politicians
Jul 30, 2004 — Quotes from Swift boat veterans about John Kerry. ... The briefing from some members of that crew the morning after revealed that the

Far Left Hack Jen Psaki Lashes Out at Conservatives as “Russian Tools” After She Is Pictured in Communist Hat Standing Next to Lavrov
By Jim Hoft
Published December 2, 2020 at 3:55pm

To be fair, Kerry did not want to steal Psaki’s thunder at the photo op so he did not put his hat on:

Incidentally, whatever Kerry threw away at that demonstration in 1971 he never tossed these medals:

Earlier this year, Kerry was asked by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, if he regretted throwing his medals away, and responded, “There was no regret,” but he added, “I threw away my ribbons, not my medals.”

By Ed Robinson
April 26, 2004 | 4:00am

She was presented with the hat in 2014, but gave it back.

Jen Psaki, recently named White House press secretary for President-elect Joe Biden, is seen in a 2014 photo posing with the Russian foreign minister and his spokesperson, along with then-Secretary of State John Kerry. She is wearing a pink hat with a hammer and sickle emblem, which was a gift from the Russians that she returned. At the time, Psaki was spokesperson for the U.S. State Department. The image is real, but claims that the hat was anything more a gift or that Psaki was with Russian officials in any capacity beyond her official role are MISSING CONTEXT.
She was presented with the hat in 2014, but gave it back.

To chistiefan915: She did not.

Jen Psaki herself was very annoyed that the internet doesn’t forget things and tried to lie and propagandize, just like she often did in the olden days at State. Psaki labeled those who’d forward the picture to be “Russian stooges.” This from the people who promoted the Russia hoax for 5 years.

The replies to her protestations are priceless.

Now she claims that “it was a gift from the Russians” and that she was just being polite to her Russian guests, including Lavrov. She also insinuated that she’d returned the hat. But back then, when she left State, she said “the hat goes with me”. Cernovich nailed her.

Far Left Hack Jen Psaki Lashes Out at Conservatives as “Russian Tools” After She Is Pictured in Communist Hat Standing Next to Lavrov
By Jim Hoft
Published December 2, 2020 at 3:55pm

John Kerry is the premise in my OP. I notice that you did not defend him.