John McCain’s son decries Trump appearance at Arlington as a ‘violation’ that turned cemetery into campaign backdrop

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
When former President Donald Trump held a campaign event at Arlington National Cemetery last week, 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain says he viewed it as a “violation.”

The youngest son of the late Sen. John McCain had already been moving away from the Republican Party — just weeks ago, he changed his voter registration to Democrat and plans to vote for Kamala Harris in November, he told CNN in an exclusive interview this week.

But he is speaking out now for the first time about Trump because of the former president’s conduct at the hallowed ground where several generations of McCain’s family, including his grandfather and great grandfather, are buried.

“It just blows me away,” McCain, who has served in the military for 17 years, told CNN. “These men and women that are laying in the ground there have no choice” of whether to be a backdrop for a political campaign, he said.

“I just think that for anyone who’s done a lot of time in their uniform, they just understand that inherently — that it’s not about you there. It’s about these people who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their country.”

Who gives a shit what some nobody son of a politician says? Next, we'll be told that Hunter is voting for Trump because he wants to be in the same cell or something...
The hate from that group knows no bounds. They must vilify anyone who steps off the line drawn by their Fuhrer. I guess they are due our pity for living lives filled with such misery, but I often have to struggle to do so.
Slaves who do not rebel do not deserve our pity.