John Roberts v. Jean Genet


Verified User
Patrick said Roberts reacted to Justices Alito and Thomas bringing up the Bush v. Gore 2000 election case, yelling "I don't give a *** about that case, arguing "at that time, we didn't have riots."

FACT CHECK: Did chief justice really scream at colleagues about Texas election case?
By Art Moore
Published December 18, 2020 at 4:53pm

Before the High Court hands a thief the presidency somebody better send Chief Justice John Roberts a video of THE BALCONY because that 1963 movie predicted the riots he fears so much.

More importantly:


Jean Genet (1910 - 1986)

understood the reason for the coming riots, as well as the result.
If you assholes “riot” you will be offed by police in minutes

Your death wish is insane
The high court simply stayed out of the way and let the voters choose. They overwhelmingly chose Biden.
The cops will shoot you racists dead

To evince: Only in your dreams.

For your edification. Jean Genet’s prediction will not be the race war you and your kind pray for. It will be about oppressive government (DEMOCRACY) versus individual liberties.

In short: Cops killing fellow Americans for Slimy Joe Biden’s Communism is wishful thinking. Even if half of the guns in the hands of loyal Americans can be confiscated before the shooting starts you and your kind have no chance.

In addition, Democrats disarming police forces lowers 50 percent loyalty to Biden. Even 50 percent is a very generous estimate.

Since you fail to claim the military as an ally let me point out that 3 percent of military personnel are loyal to the United Nations. Conversely, 97 percent of military personnel refusing to kill fellow Americans for Communism is an accurate estimate.

In addition to today’s loyalties and a well-armed public, parasites will be outnumbered and outgunned in any armed confrontation. In fact, Biden’s parasites would be fools to rely on federal troops killing fellow Americans à la Lincoln. Fighting for Communism is a far cry from building a nation.

Incidentally, Biden’s Communists offer Americans the first chance they ever had to settle the score with parasites for Vietnam.
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That will be the reward for you ass lapping racist s who try to harm Americans

No longer alive


Cold and stiff

The cops will blast your ass if you try to start your race war in honor of trump

Reality asshole
If you assholes “riot” you will be offed by police in minutes

Your death wish is insane

shut up, whiny retard. you have no idea what a real riot and war against your precious band of blue would look like. you should be terrified if it ever happens because they won't be able to save you.

There was nothing unusual about media reporting yesterday’s event being riddled with:

Media began telling lies to justify Despicable Joe Biden’s theft before the polls closed on November 3, 2020. Every media lie affirmed Irma’s words of wisdom to Carman in The Balcony:

“The world is full of whores. What it really needs is a good bookkeeper.”

If ever there was a whorehouse full of whores and whoremasters in need of a good bookkeeper it is government’s media.

I cannot wait to hear the lies media will come up with should Biden actually be sworn in.

Note that government media deliberately avoids telling the public this Democrat suddenly said “. . . our Republic . . .” instead of spouting the standard Democrat Party definition —— OUR DEMOCRACY.

" We can’t allow him to remain in office, it’s a matter of preserving our Republic

And when in hell did any U.N.-loving Democrat or Republican traitor ever fulfill their

and we need to fulfill our oath," she tweeted.

BREAKING: Rep. Omar Melts Down; Will Draw Up Articles Of Impeachment In Attempt To Remove Trump
Clayton Keirns
Posted January 6, 2021

Do not hold your breath waiting for a Department of Justice stooge to slap the cuffs on a member of Congress:
