Join the Mullitia!

Matt Dillon

Semolina comes from wheat
Join the Mullitia now!

Right click and open the classifications in new window. The arrow at the bottom moves forward until you hit some inevitable blanks.

Anyways, you can click around and have a little fun with this internet staple!

This one may have more information:

This is the older version, you can just open in new window and it has most! :awesome:

If you hit a snag, go back to "classifications" and skip the missing one.
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Who fell asleep in the sun with Oakleys on? This guy! :laugh:

Mulletude: 10

Agressiveness: 10

Last seen saying: "What's so funny, motherfucker?!" "Hey! c'mere you sumbitch!"
it never ceases to amuse me the deluded imagery you fuckers have regarding 'militia' types, or even the 'snowflake' cowards would literally shit your drawers if you ever met a real live team of armed militia
You mean one has to actually join the MAGA militia? I thought if you watched Fox, listened to talk radio, and echoed the Big Lie you were in

Do they issue membership cards? Dues? Don’t tell me they have Secret Santas at Christmas too