Jon Stewart Slams Glenn Beck for His Comments to Muslim Congressman (Video)


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Jon Stewart and The Daily Show team tackled just a few of the more interesting stories that came along our C&L news desk. From General Abizaid's testimony about General Shinseki being correct about the need for more troops in post-Saddam Iraq to Glenn Becks despicable interview with incoming Congressman Keith Ellison.

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Well, clearly since they listen to a person who expresses an opinion that is "wrong" they must suffer the consequences too! I mean, it isn't like Free Speech is something that we should fight for, even if a person might be wrong...
Free speech is one thing, fools following fools in entirely a differtent thing.
Not so much. It seems that his Free Speech is something that is protected, as is the opinions of those who like to listen to him... It's all good though, we can just go McCarthy on all their behinds, if they don't tow the D line they must be simply due some time somewhere... I'll bet they're corporate sympathizers!