Jose Canseco bounced from Mexican league


[h=1]Jose Canseco bounced from Mexican league after admitting to using testosterone[/h]
Once a juicer, always a juicer?

That may indeed be the case as Jose Canseco's attempt to play in the Mexican Baseball League ended on Wednesday after league officials said the former star admitted to taking a banned substance without a prescription.

League president Plinio Escalante told ESPN Deportes that the banned substance was testosterone and that Canseco refused to take a drug test.
The 47-year-old former slugger had been trying out with the Quintana Roo Tigers, publicly stating that it was his goal to again play in the major leagues one day. The Mexican League is Triple-A level ball, but teams do not share any affiliation with MLB franchises.
Still, it was better than the independent league ball that Canseco had been playing in.
As has been his custom, Canseco took to his Twitter account and defended himself with a flurry of stream-of-consciousness tweets:
"How can I test positive when I never took any test don't believe everything the media tells you.the truth always comes out I am not using any illegal substanced," he wrote from @josecanseco. "All I am on is prescription medication for low testosterone .legal and very important for my health."
Whether it's explaining why he sent his twin brother to box for him or professing his love for Lady Gaga, Canseco's uninhibited tweets have always been a particularly sad piece of theater. He has become the ultimate outsider in a sport that he turned upside down with the revelatory publication of "Juiced" back in 2005.

That Canseco would be injecting testosterone into his aging body as he continues his delusional "dream" to play big-league baseball would be no surprise if true, of course.
It would also be no surprise if Canseco's claims that years of steroid use have driven his testosterone to low levels that would necessitate these injections.
Either way, it's against baseball's rules to take testosterone for any reason if you want to play the game. Canseco made this sad world for himself, but it'll always be impossible for him to acknowledge that.

