Jose Padilla found guilty


Will work for Scooby snacks
AFter bush held this guy for four years as an enemy combatant, outside all constitutional rights to due process.

Imagine that. The system actually worked. This guy got a trial, and a jury of his peers sent him to jail.

And, if it hadn't been for the courts intervening, Bush would have kept holding this guy, in violation of everything this country stands for.
Are you saying we don't actually need to surrender our civil liberties to capture and prosecute terrorists?
Right if they were not guilty why were they locked up in the first place ?
Bush is the decider after all.

a strange way to pronounce dictator, a Texas accent thing I will assume.
And who on the Dem side has talked about reversing any of the Patriot Acts changes? I've noted Feingold and he's not even running.

Face it the Dems have no interest in reversing government growth anywhere, civil liberties or otherwise.
And who on the Dem side has talked about reversing any of the Patriot Acts changes? I've noted Feingold and he's not even running.

Face it the Dems have no interest in reversing government growth anywhere, civil liberties or otherwise.

All dems are running for president ?
And who on the Dem side has talked about reversing any of the Patriot Acts changes? I've noted Feingold and he's not even running.

Face it the Dems have no interest in reversing government growth anywhere, civil liberties or otherwise.
John Edwards believes we must stop the Bush administration's trampling of basic freedoms in the name of the war against terror. As president, Edwards will fix the Patriot Act, respect the FISA court process that requires quick and classified review by a special court of search warrants issued under the National Security Act, and say no to torture.
Obama talks about the parts of the patriot act he wants to fix.
(Clinton Voted No On Wire Tap Provision)
Vote to invoke cloture on a conference report that extends the authority of the FBI to conduct "roving wiretaps" and access business records. Voting YES would recommend, in effect, that the PATRIOT Act be extended through December 31, 2009, and would makes the provisions of the PATRIOT Act permanent. Voting NO would extend debate further, which would have the effect of NOT extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision.

I could keep going, but I already know I'm wasting my breath.
Hawaii's Daniel Akaka
New Mexico's Jeff Bingaman
West Virginia's Robert Byrd
Iowa's Tom Harkin
Vermont's Patrick Leahy
Michigan's Carl Levin
Washington's Patty Murray
Oregon's Ron Wyden.

They all voted against re-authorization.

Dano, you're really embarrassing to yourself lately.
AFter bush held this guy for four years as an enemy combatant, outside all constitutional rights to due process.

Imagine that. The system actually worked. This guy got a trial, and a jury of his peers sent him to jail.

And, if it hadn't been for the courts intervening, Bush would have kept holding this guy, in violation of everything this country stands for.

Agreed. Funny thing, if he'd stayed at Gitmo, he'd most likely be released sooner than later. Now he's looking at life plus some. If he ever gets out, he will be very, very old.
Agreed. Funny thing, if he'd stayed at Gitmo, he'd most likely be released sooner than later. Now he's looking at life plus some. If he ever gets out, he will be very, very old.

You're kidding right?

They would never have just let Padilla walk free, whether he was at Gitmo or not.

The only question, was if he was going to recieve his constitutional right to due process.
You're kidding right?

They would never have just let Padilla walk free, whether he was at Gitmo or not.

The only question, was if he was going to recieve his constitutional right to due process.

I wasn't kidding and I don't think the administration had thought that out. He was being held as an enemy combatant, yet was US citizen, arrested on US soil. Now he is truly screwed.