Josh Cribbs can kick Ron Paul's ass!


Sexy Beast!
Chuck Norris doesn't do push up's, he pushes the world down.
Ron Paul slaps Chuck Norris and tells him to stop be a little twat and causing earthquakes. Norris trembles in fear, causing another earthquake and Ron Paul quickly roundhouse kicks him in his face to save america! Then Josh Cribbs darts by Ron Paul. Paul, not knowing what just happened, looks around and sees the inside of his ass. Cribbs knocked Paul's head off his body and knocked him on his ass. As Paul fell, he landed on his head.

Paul pulls his head back out and places it back on his body. Cribbs laughs. Paul then decides to get Cribbs back for this and teleports 200 miles east, where Cribbs would be 10 seconds after the incident. When Ron Paul trys to tackle Cribbs, Cribbs just stiff armed him and knocked him on his ass again. You can't tackle Josh Cribbs Ron Paul, you can't tackle Josh Cribbs.