JPP liberals reveal their disgust for our military


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Does this really surprise anyone?

That’s true. That’s because most of them are of the mentality and are trained to take orders without question. Without thinking. That’s why they make such good conservatives. No need to think.

The military consists mainly of low IQ morons, too.

That's why they're in the military.

Couldn't make it in the real world and need to be told what to do and think.

No surprise they're mostly right-wing Trumptard goofballs.

Make no mistake, this is how the majority of liberals feel. THat's why liberals spit on our troops and harrassed them and called them baby killers in the 70's. They try to keep their distain and hatred hidden these days, but every so often some of these clowns reveal their true feelings. Pathetic.
I literally only give a shit about the troops to the extant that they can be used to damage Trump. Otherwise I don't give a shit. So I care exactly as much about the troops as Trump does.
Does this really surprise anyone?

Make no mistake, this is how the majority of liberals feel. THat's why liberals spit on our troops and harrassed them and called them baby killers in the 70's. They try to keep their distain and hatred hidden these days, but every so often some of these clowns reveal their true feelings. Pathetic.
Generalizations are lazy and you repeat a lie.

Does Bud still call Vietnamese "gooks", you stupid, slimy shitbag?
Rapin' Donald was a draft dodger.

So what? You'll still salute him if he ever visits your shit-hole.

You joined the Air Force because you couldn't find a job in the civilian world, and you wormed your way into WADS to evade combat duty OCONUS, and we both know it, poor little Plebeian history major.

The biggest risk you face is spilling your coffee on the Wii in the break room. Think you'll get a Purple Heart for that?
Does this really surprise anyone?

Make no mistake, this is how the majority of liberals feel. THat's why liberals spit on our troops and harrassed them and called them baby killers in the 70's. They try to keep their distain and hatred hidden these days, but every so often some of these clowns reveal their true feelings. Pathetic.

Gomer and Somad must be joined at the hip, there isn't a sliver of difference between them!