I'd vote for him over Rudy or the Maverick. The thing is, there aren't too many Republicans who are known well-enough nationally at this point. The ones who are, seem to be the frontrunners in the polls, which makes sense. As the candidates start lining up and campaigning, people can get a better idea of who they like and support, right now, it's a popularity contest.
I think Newt could have a shot. Based on his popularity among conservatives alone, and strong Southern appeal, you have to think he is a contender in an otherwise weak or watered-down field. If we have to pick between McCain, Rudy, Mitt, Tancredo, Frist, Newt and others, I think Newt stands as good a chance as anyone, to come away with the nomination. He could then pick Gulliani as his running mate, and have a strong shot at NY.
As Robert Byrd would say, Thea's a lotta politickin' left ta do!