JPP Staff Meeting

cancel2 2022

I must point out that in reality there are no people of color or women in JPP staff. I propose a committee to correct this very serious problem. Once its goal is complete, every ethic background, religion, and sexual preference will be represented (except for white, straight males, who ought to be ashamed of themselves).
LOL. I hope Tom doesn't get bent. I'm just testing the "Groan" feature. I'm trying to figure out why some groans stick like they should, and some disappear...

I must point out that in reality there are no people of color or women in JPP staff. I propose a committee to correct this very serious problem. Once its goal is complete, every ethic background, religion, and sexual preference will be represented (except for white, straight males, who ought to be ashamed of themselves).

Whatsa matter? Got a guilty conscience?
so sad we have to make it super clear that we dont want tom to die just because we groaned him
so sad we have to make it super clear that we dont want tom to die just because we groaned him

Grind, I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.

TOM 9000
I must point out that in reality there are no people of color or women in JPP staff. I propose a committee to correct this very serious problem. Once its goal is complete, every ethic background, religion, and sexual preference will be represented (except for white, straight males, who ought to be ashamed of themselves).

People of Colour?? People of COLOUR??? What the hell are you about?
A few years ago it was white people, Indians and niggers. Then it was whites, Indians and Blacks, then it was whites, native americans and coloured folk, then it was Caucasian, Native American and African Americans, now it's people of colour??? jeez, have you ANY idea how stupid you sound? Why do you need to refer to groups by the colour of their skin.
I am not 'white', I am a sort of pinkish, greyish, brownish non-descript colour. My friend is sort of olive, whitey, browny colour, another friend a sort of dark browny, purpley, blackish sort of colour.
All you are doing is showing the innate prejudice you are frightened to show. Typical hypocritical yank.
We suffer from similar stupidity here. Non chinese are referred to as 'gwai lo' or ghost person. I often interupt conversations between people who think I understand no Chinese ( I have a little) by saying, Excuse me, I am an 'Englishman' (ying gwok yan) if you wish, or a 'westerner' (sai yan).' There is no need to say anymore. They almost die of embarrassment. But they are not as thick as some yanks who are not smart enough to be embarrassed!
People of Colour?? People of COLOUR??? What the hell are you about?
A few years ago it was white people, Indians and niggers. Then it was whites, Indians and Blacks, then it was whites, native americans and coloured folk, then it was Caucasian, Native American and African Americans, now it's people of colour??? jeez, have you ANY idea how stupid you sound? Why do you need to refer to groups by the colour of their skin.
I am not 'white', I am a sort of pinkish, greyish, brownish non-descript colour. My friend is sort of olive, whitey, browny colour, another friend a sort of dark browny, purpley, blackish sort of colour.
All you are doing is showing the innate prejudice you are frightened to show. Typical hypocritical yank.
We suffer from similar stupidity here. Non chinese are referred to as 'gwai lo' or ghost person. I often interupt conversations between people who think I understand no Chinese ( I have a little) by saying, Excuse me, I am an 'Englishman' (ying gwok yan) if you wish, or a 'westerner' (sai yan).' There is no need to say anymore. They almost die of embarrassment. But they are not as thick as some yanks who are not smart enough to be embarrassed!

He was mocking Mott you ignorant whiny mangina