JPP's right-wing agenda


Verified User
Making the Flynn story a sticky is a major editorial decision.

And so JPP joins the ranks of Fox, CNN, MSNBC, talk radio, the NY Times et al. Bias has really infiltrated everything at this point.
This is what happens when three out of four of the mods are alt-right.

This place is a bubble, a fish-bowl. The views expressed here are not necessarily -- and most of the time definitely not -- reflective of the country at large. Take, for instance, the issue of stay-at-home/social distancing actions. To hear the Reichwing here yell it, everyone's against it now and wants to re-open the country. However, only ~12% of the country actually agrees with that. I don't want to re-post the whole thing but here is the latest Gallup polling on social distance measures:
This is what happens when three out of four of the mods are alt-right.

This place is a bubble, a fish-bowl. The views expressed here are not necessarily -- and most of the time definitely not -- reflective of the country at large. Take, for instance, the issue of stay-at-home/social distancing actions. To hear the Reichwing here yell it, everyone's against it now and wants to re-open the country. However, only ~12% of the country actually agrees with that. I don't want to re-post the whole thing but here is the latest Gallup polling on social distance measures:

Millions of people in this country don't vote and either don't follow politics or follow it lightly on the periphery. So I don't think a board of political junkies is necessarily reflective of the country at large.

And out of curiosity why do you consider Damo and Billy alt-right?
This is what happens when three out of four of the mods are alt-right.

This place is a bubble, a fish-bowl. The views expressed here are not necessarily -- and most of the time definitely not -- reflective of the country at large. Take, for instance, the issue of stay-at-home/social distancing actions. To hear the Reichwing here yell it, everyone's against it now and wants to re-open the country. However, only ~12% of the country actually agrees with that. I don't want to re-post the whole thing but here is the latest Gallup polling on social distance measures:

Yeh keep the country closed till November that should do it! What does Mr. Owl think Joanie?
Millions of people in this country don't vote and either don't follow politics or follow it lightly on the periphery. So I don't think a board of political junkies is necessarily reflective of the country at large.

And out of curiosity why do you consider Damo and Billy alt-right?

Compared to her just about everybody is right.
Compared to her just about everybody is right.

It's funny how YOU support the socialist National Health System in Britain, but never debate that with your Right-wing Christian friends here.
We're not talking about some 'Medicare' type Plan, we're talking full government ownership of the Hospitals. Doctors and Nurse paid by the Government.
A fully 'socialized' system of Health Care in Britain.

When you try to have a conversation about that ... the Right-wing Christians have a total meltdown.
Making the Flynn story a sticky is a major editorial decision.

And so JPP joins the ranks of Fox, CNN, MSNBC, talk radio, the NY Times et al. Bias has really infiltrated everything at this point.

Art thou a-triggered, cupcake? Bonus: Tell me what kind of gun that cat is shooting. :D
This is what happens when three out of four of the mods are alt-right.

This place is a bubble, a fish-bowl. The views expressed here are not necessarily -- and most of the time definitely not -- reflective of the country at large. Take, for instance, the issue of stay-at-home/social distancing actions. To hear the Reichwing here yell it, everyone's against it now and wants to re-open the country. However, only ~12% of the country actually agrees with that. I don't want to re-post the whole thing but here is the latest Gallup polling on social distance measures:

I see you are still free to speak your mind.

Okay so like 88% of the sites out there are wholly leftist.
Could it be this one is neutral?
I came here from a right-leaning site, of which there's like one of, and the admin went kinda nuts on me.
I see you are still free to speak your mind.

Okay so like 88% of the sites out there are wholly leftist.
Could it be this one is neutral?
I came here from a right-leaning site, of which there's like one of, and the admin went kinda nuts on me.

This site isn't remotely neutral
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It's funny how YOU support the socialist National Health System in Britain, but never debate that with your Right-wing Christian friends here.
We're not talking about some 'Medicare' type Plan, we're talking full government ownership of the Hospitals. Doctors and Nurse paid by the Government.
A fully 'socialized' system of Health Care in Britain.

When you try to have a conversation about that ... the Right-wing Christians have a total meltdown.

I've told you several times that there's a large private health sector in the UK as well. When I was with T-Mobile I went to a private hospital to have a torn meniscus in my knee treated. I don't bother talking about healthcare here anymore, I just don't think it's possible in the febrile atmosphere in US politics to enact a genuine single payer system.
It's funny how YOU support the socialist National Health System in Britain, but never debate that with your Right-wing Christian friends here.
We're not talking about some 'Medicare' type Plan, we're talking full government ownership of the Hospitals. Doctors and Nurse paid by the Government.
A fully 'socialized' system of Health Care in Britain.

When you try to have a conversation about that ... the Right-wing Christians have a total meltdown.

She's a lunatic pure and simple!
I've told you several times that there's a large private health sector in the UK as well. When I was with T-Mobile I went to a private hospital to have a torn meniscus in my knee treated. I don't bother talking about healthcare here anymore, I just don't think it's possible in the febrile atmosphere in US politics to enact a genuine single payer system.

You could tell your Right-wing friends about that. Have a conversation about Private and Public Hospitals.
They have Private and Public Schools in America, so even the Righties could probably grasp the concept.