Judge bans roger stone from social media-Should we invite him to JPP???


Judge Banishes Roger Stone From Social Media
Before today, he was prohibited from "discussing the case." Now, he is prohibited from posting anything.
By Frances Langum

A federal judge on Tuesday barred Roger Stone from communicating through Instagram, Twitter or Facebook until after his trial after months of social media postings that the judge said violated a gag order she had imposed to prevent prejudicing potential jurors.

The new order says Stone cannot post anything to the social media sites, expanding on the previous gag order that banned his discussing his case or its participants in the media or public settings...

Jackson did not say how she would enforce the tighter order, but said she could hold a hearing to find Stone in contempt of court later, possibly after his trial.​
He's not good enough for Instagram, Twitter or Facebook but is for here? I don't post on those sights ever.
Man, I thought this was an exclusive club. I

Exclusive? Yeah, I thought the same thing, ... then I ran into Truth (you're a Moron) Detector. :(
He's not good enough for Instagram, Twitter or Facebook but is for here? I don't post on those sights ever.
Man, I thought this was an exclusive club. I

Legions gone to summer camp w/ the other kids, he can fill in for a few weeks.:)

& when he threatens ppl, they won't even have to ask for his address.........:laugh:

I don't know the guy, but I kinda see him in the realm of truth detector...........

& it would be me getting the death threats for inviting him over...........:thinking:
Exclusive? Yeah, I thought the same thing, ... then I ran into Truth (you're a Moron) Detector. :(

Well if you ran into him more than once yea got no one to blame but yourself.......

In the beginning AlGore created the internet~soon he realized he was not alone, & thus the ignore feature was created...:)