Judge clears dead Texas man of rape conviction


Villified User
Feb 7, 1:59 AM EST

Judge clears dead Texas man of rape conviction

Associated Press Writer

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- A man who died in prison while serving time for a rape he didn't commit was cleared Friday by a judge who called the state's first posthumous DNA exoneration "the saddest case" he'd ever seen.

State District Judge Charles Baird ordered Timothy Cole's record expunged.

Cole was convicted of raping a Texas Tech University student in Lubbock in 1985 and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He died in 1999 at age 39 from asthma complications.


You might want to check out the photo at link for further insight.
Mallin picked Cole out of a photo lineup that included at least six other pictures. All were standard jail mug shots except for Cole's photo, which was a Polaroid. Mallin later identified Cole in a live lineup and again at trial.

Why did I see this coming in the article? Line-up, witness testimony, used to convict someone. Yet again.