Judges Do Not Sit On Leather Chairs


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they sit on high horses every time one of them pontificates about the First Amendment:

A federal appeals court on Friday ruled that ordinances in Florida banning the licensed counseling of people with unwanted same-sex attractions are unconstitutional violations of the freedom of speech.

"We hold that the challenged ordinances violate the First Amendment because they are content-based regulations of speech that cannot survive strict scrutiny," the ruling from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said.

Not one judge in this country ever admitted that the XVI Amendment overrides the First Amendment as well as abolish the entire Constitution every time they uphold an UNCONSTITUTIONAL use of tax dollars.

Repeal the tax on income and the entire Parasite Class would have to seek meaningful employment elsewhere:

The licensed therapists say they provide lifesaving counseling to minors who want to conform their attractions, behaviors and gender identities to their sincerely held religious beliefs.

Under the laws struck down by the 11th Circuit, a counselor could encourage a client to take life-altering hormone drugs or undergo invasive surgery to remove healthy body parts. But a counselor was barred from helping a client who seeks to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions.

Judges Britt Grant and Barbara Lagoa got this part right:

"Speech does not need to be popular in order to be allowed. The First Amendment exists precisely so that speakers with unpopular ideas do not have to lobby the government for permission before they speak," the opinion said.

Appeals court rules ban on 'conversion therapy' unconstitutional
By WND Staff
Published November 20, 2020 at 3:44pm


The judges did not tell me where the First Amendment says every freak with a cause must be paid tax dollars so they can exercise their Right to speak? Help me out on that one because I cannot find it outside the XVI Amendment —— even the Sixteenth does not say it in language normal people can understand.

I do not need any help with this one. Who do you think is paying those freaks? ANSWER: YOU.