APP - July 1, 1982

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So Senator Whitehouse made a very BIG deal out of the July 1, 1982 entry in Judge Kavanaugh's calendar

He stated that many of the boys Ford accused were at the party.

That is true. The girls weren't listed on the party.

But, here is where it gets really interesting. One of the people at the party is one Chris Garrett. You may remember Chris Garrett because he is the individual Whelan called out as a potential place whose house the party occurred.

Now, why is this important? Well, during Dr. Ford's lying testimony she stated that she "went out with" Chris Garrett for a short time. That is a euphemism for dated. She was very coy and didn't want to talk about Chris much.

But, it raises a question. If July 1, 1982 is THE date in question as Senator Whitehouse claims, then why didn't "Dr." Ford remember that Chris Garrett was there? Doesn't that seem odd? I mean she was "going out with him" surely she would remember the guy she was "going out with" being at the party right?

Also, he and she attended the same country club. If that is true wouldn't it be plausible that he would be at the Country Club the day she was practicing diving and then took her to a party? Maybe even drove her? And isn't it plausible that the guy who was "going out with her" might have assaulted her and not Kavanaugh? Isn't it plausible that if Kavanaugh was there, she could have been there because he didn't know her and if she came in and ran out he may have never even known she was there.

I am thinking the democrat party may regret asking for this FBI investigation because now they have to interview Chris Garrett. They also may not want to pull at the July 1, 1982 thread
Did she say they 'went out' when she was 15? Is it possible that it occurred when she was older, or after the incident? Or, is it possible that Chris didn't make it to the pre party party, even though Bart thought he would be there?

No smoking gun here, but by all means....keep digging.
Did she say they 'went out' when she was 15? Is it possible that it occurred when she was older, or after the incident? Or, is it possible that Chris didn't make it to the pre party party, even though Bart thought he would be there?

No smoking gun here, but by all means....keep digging.

Didn't you listen to her testimony? She said she "went out with" him that summer of 1982. Based on Whelan's analysis, Garrett's house is the only plausibly close house to the Country Club that is within walking distance

July is in the summer isn't it? I know we live in this Alice and Wonderland world of liberal flexibility with definitions, so for all I know lefties could think that July is the Fall or Winter. Who knows.

But, I am glad that they are investigating. Here are a few more areas that deserve investigation

1) Who in the democrat party illegally leaked Ford's name to the Intercept. It was either Ford's lawyers, Ford herself, The Washington Post reporter, Diane Feinsteins office or Congresswoman Eshoo's office. We must find and punish this leaker for putting Ford in this position

2) The FBI must investigate the true background of this remodel. Public records show that the remodel occurred in 2008. Ford says that it occurred in 2012 which is what led to the argument which is what led to her coming clean to a "therapist"

3) The FBI must investigate the therapists notes to find any inconsistencies with the therapists notes and Ford's sworn testimony

4) The FBI must investigate the polygraph Ford claims to have taken and look at the raw results.

5) The FBI must investigate how Ford's lawyers are getting paid

6) I would like to know why a 15 year old girl who just left diving practice in a chlorinated pool who probably had messy hair and didn't smell great decided to go right to a party that was going to lead to a BIGGER party without going home and showering first? Why did she leave her bathing suit on? It isn't good for the suit or the girl to do that. Fungus and moisture leads to yeast infections.

7) The FBI really needs to delve deeper into Ford to find out WHO took her home. It is implausible that she doesn't remember who drove her home. Why wouldn't she remember her savior? She didn't drive back then as she was only 15. Keyser wasn't old enough to drive. There wasn't Uber back then. Nobody from the party drove her home.

All of this must be investigated so we can really get at the truth. Because the truth is what the democrat party says they want.
From The Blaze:

In a series of now-deleted tweets, Whelan announced that he had “compelling evidence” that proved Kavanaugh’s “categorical denial to be truthful.”

He proceeded to use floor plans of a house and a yearbook photo as evidence to suggest that Ford may have been assaulted by a man who simply looked like Kavanaugh. Whelan named this man, and published his picture.

Whelan later apologized for making that accusation and publicizing the name of this man. He admitted that his tweets “did not advance the discussion in a constructive way.” Whelan has since taken a leave of absence from his position as president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
I guess it plausible that July 1 is the date in question if that is what Whitehouse wants

To me that makes Garret more of a suspect than Ford

If they were going together surely he knows when she left and came

The democrats are going to regret this stalling tactic in many levels

1) they have already conceded four Senate seats to the GOP. Unless they change their minds on Kavanaugh, Tester, McCaskill, Donnelly and Nelson are history

2) Lindsey Graham is calling for a full investigation into the leaking of Fords information which JPP libs don’t seem to care about

3) Lindsey Graham is calling for a full investigation into Feinstein’s office recommending lawyers to Ford

This is gonna get fun bitches
I guess it plausible that July 1 is the date in question if that is what Whitehouse wants

To me that makes Garret more of a suspect than Ford

If they were going together surely he knows when she left and came

The democrats are going to regret this stalling tactic in many levels

1) they have already conceded four Senate seats to the GOP. Unless they change their minds on Kavanaugh, Tester, McCaskill, Donnelly and Nelson are history

2) Lindsey Graham is calling for a full investigation into the leaking of Fords information which JPP libs don’t seem to care about

3) Lindsey Graham is calling for a full investigation into Feinstein’s office recommending lawyers to Ford

This is gonna get fun bitches

I love KARMA; especially when it falls back on those who tried so hard to condemn someone. :D
A couple of other things to note.

Ford says "she went up a narrow set of stairs to the bathroom"

A good follow up question to ask is, if you didn't know the house, did you ask where the bathroom was? Did she just go wandering around a house she didn't know? Normal, polite people usually ask "can you tell me where the bathroom is". Also did she have to go #1 or #2?

Ford claims that when she got to the top "someone pushed her into the bedroom"

Great follow up questions would be the following

1) Were they still in the living room when you left for the bathroom?
2) Did they follow you up the stairs?
3) Were they waiting for you at the top of the stairs?
4) If they followed you given the narrowness of the stairway wouldn't you have noticed them? You didn't hear anyone follow you up the stairs?
How did she get to this "party"....and home? From dive practice, which she probably did most days... What time of day was this? How did she get to practice? Didn't anyone pick her up that day? But she remembers she had One beer...
Did she leave her best friend there ay the "party" with two " rapists"*without warning her??
*‘ date, no time, no corroborating witnesses..confidential leaked letter, fear of flying, ..a ton of things to ask her...the FBI has a busy week....
How did she get to this "party"....and home? From dive practice, which she probably did most days... What time of day was this? How did she get to practice? Didn't anyone pick her up that day? But she remembers she had One beer...
Did she leave her best friend there ay the "party" with two " rapists"*without warning her??
*‘ date, no time, no corroborating witnesses..confidential leaked letter, fear of flying, ..a ton of things to ask her...the FBI has a busy week....

Great question. How did she get to dive practice on most days?

She lived 20 minutes from the country club driving so she didn’t walk