Jump The Dog


Verified User
Jump The Shark

To undergo a sustained decline in quality or popularity.

Could it be that China Joe likes dogs more than he likes little girls? Note that Biden was buck naked when he went after the dog:

What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog. And anybody who’s been around my house knows, dropped — the little pup dropped the ball in front of me, and for me to grab the ball. And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this, and he ran, and I was joking, running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened.

Joe Biden: I Fractured Foot After Showering and Trying to Pull My Dog’s Tail
by Charlie Spiering
4 Dec 2020


Biden is too big to punish for political crimes:



but he might do time for humping the dog.
Jump The Shark

To undergo a sustained decline in quality or popularity.

Could it be that China Joe likes dogs more than he likes little girls? Note that Biden was buck naked when he went after the dog:

What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog. And anybody who’s been around my house knows, dropped — the little pup dropped the ball in front of me, and for me to grab the ball. And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this, and he ran, and I was joking, running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened.

Joe Biden: I Fractured Foot After Showering and Trying to Pull My Dog’s Tail
by Charlie Spiering
4 Dec 2020


Biden is too big to punish for political crimes:

but he might do time for humping the dog.

the fact you even think about your betters trying to hump a dog, proves where your tiny mind is, dogsucker. the fact you believe pics of biden touching a kid as he talks to him means he is a perv, shows where your tiny mind is on that, you sick ass child molesting shitstain.

go fuck yourself, bitch. if that is possible with your tiny dick.
hump a dog,

To Hoosier Daddy: You are attacking the messenger again. This time to defend Biden and Democrat sexual deviates that got caught as well as the ones that never get caught. So my speculating about a Democrat engaging in bestiality is fair play. In fact, agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reported that Biden only buys special designer treats:

your tiny dick.

To Hoosier Daddy: Your reference to the size of my pecker makes your motive suspect.
To Hoosier Daddy: You are attacking the messenger again. This time to defend Biden and Democrat sexual deviates that got caught as well as the ones that never get caught. So my speculating about a Democrat engaging in bestiality is fair play. In fact, agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reported that Biden only buys special designer treats:

To Hoosier Daddy: Your reference to the size of my pecker makes your motive suspect.

any man who loves trump and tries to defend his corrupt ass must be almost dickless. that is just scientific fact.
any man who loves trump and tries to defend his corrupt ass must be almost dickless. that is just scientific fact.

To Hoosier Daddy: You have no idea what I think about President Trump. My message did not defend, nor even mention Trump, yet you attacked the messenger, and now Trump, without a word in defense of China Joe Biden.

The “scientific fact” is that smart Democrats cannot defend Biden or his policies, while assholes like you are too stupid to say a single word in his defense, or is it that he gives you a poke when the dog is unavailable?
Jump The Shark

To undergo a sustained decline in quality or popularity.

Could it be that China Joe likes dogs more than he likes little girls? Note that Biden was buck naked when he went after the dog:

What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog. And anybody who’s been around my house knows, dropped — the little pup dropped the ball in front of me, and for me to grab the ball. And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this, and he ran, and I was joking, running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened.

Joe Biden: I Fractured Foot After Showering and Trying to Pull My Dog’s Tail
by Charlie Spiering
4 Dec 2020


Biden is too big to punish for political crimes:

but he might do time for humping the dog.

That "china' shit is dumb. you right wingers are morons
To Hoosier Daddy: You have no idea what I think about President Trump. My message did not defend, nor even mention Trump, yet you attacked the messenger, and now Trump, without a word in defense of China Joe Biden.

The “scientific fact” is that smart Democrats cannot defend Biden or his policies, while assholes like you are too stupid to say a single word in his defense, or is it that he gives you a poke when the dog is unavailable?

why would anybody try to defend biden or his policies? that is like trying to defend apple pie...it needs no defense...he is a decent honest guy whose views are similar to obama's, clinton's, JFK's, FDR's, all the best presidents and leaders of this country in the more modern age, specifically, and way more similar to the democratic sensible views of our presidents from the 18th and 19th centuries, like Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.

how can even a silly ass dimwit like you not see the reason you post weird shit about child and dog molesting is because you secretly get off on such perverted bullshit? seek help, racist chickenshit. i implore you.
That "china' shit is dumb. you right wingers are morons

To BidenPresident: Oh my, another brilliant defense of China Joe Biden.

To ThatOwlWoman: A Democrat would call it incest if it was Trump. In fact, a Democrat did accuse Trump:

Rosie O’Donnell: Trump Has Incestuous Relationship with Ivanka
July 12, 2019


he is a decent honest guy

To Hoosier Daddy: On which planet?

whose views are similar to obama's, clinton's, JFK's, FDR's,

To Hoosier Daddy: You got that right. A fruit, a degenerate, a womanizer, and a Socialist.

similar to the democratic sensible views of our presidents from the 18th and 19th centuries, like Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.

To Hoosier Daddy: You too stupid to cite Washington and Jefferson. China Joe is determined to abolish everything they stood for in the Constitution, most notably LIMITED GOVERNMENT and THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.

I will give you Lincoln because he was a disaster.

Lincoln used his gift of gab to impose his personal belief on the country; i.e., holding the Union together. Almost every president after Lincoln behaved as though their personal moral code overrides the Constitution. The recent spiritual leader, Obama, took Lincoln sacrificing the Constitution for his personal moral certainty far beyond what all of the other dirty little moralists did to the country.

Bottom line: Lincoln can be blamed for the evils of today’s big government because he took the first step towards totalitarian government. Put it in perspective by examining all the harm that flowed from holding the Union together.

To BidenPresident: Oh my, another brilliant defense of China Joe Biden.

To ThatOwlWoman: A Democrat would call it incest if it was Trump. In fact, a Democrat did accuse Trump:

Rosie O’Donnell: Trump Has Incestuous Relationship with Ivanka
July 12, 2019


To Hoosier Daddy: On which planet?

To Hoosier Daddy: You got that right. A fruit, a degenerate, a womanizer, and a Socialist.

To Hoosier Daddy: You too stupid to cite Washington and Jefferson. China Joe is determined to abolish everything they stood for in the Constitution, most notably LIMITED GOVERNMENT and THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.

I will give you Lincoln because he was a disaster.

Lincoln used his gift of gab to impose his personal belief on the country; i.e., holding the Union together. Almost every president after Lincoln behaved as though their personal moral code overrides the Constitution. The recent spiritual leader, Obama, took Lincoln sacrificing the Constitution for his personal moral certainty far beyond what all of the other dirty little moralists did to the country.

Bottom line: Lincoln can be blamed for the evils of today’s big government because he took the first step towards totalitarian government. Put it in perspective by examining all the harm that flowed from holding the Union together.



Who’s your daddy

Still no defense of Biden, his policies, or his ATTEMPTED THEFT.

For the record, China Joe Biden could not win a fair election if he ran for local dog catcher.

I don't know which is the most delicious -- the tears of a clown, or the taste of melting snowflakes. lol ^ ^ ^


Who’s your daddy


It tells you a great deal about the caliber of persons who misrepresent this photo. They are the deplorables.


End of thread


you have the most interesting way with words...
Last edited:
Still no defense of Biden, his policies, or his ATTEMPTED THEFT.

The lying thief did campaign on his loyalty to the U.N.’s agenda, but I have yet to hear one Democrat with a public voice defend treason. They all support the United Nations to be sure, but they are too smart to admit it.

For the record, China Joe Biden could not win a fair election if he ran for local dog catcher.

Had Republican candidates pounded China Joe Biden day after day over his treasonous U.N. policy the thief would have needed a hundred times more illegal votes than the number of illegal votes he is relying on to steal the election.

President-elect Joe Biden's pledge to reengage with the United Nations and other international organizations could weaken America's position against China, according to foreign policy experts.

On the campaign trail, Biden criticized the Trump administration's withdrawal writ large from multilateral institutions, saying that he will rejoin several organizations that the White House declared as hostile to American interests, such as the U.N. Human Rights Council, U.N. Population Fund, and the World Health Organization. Some critics said returning to the table will end institutional hostility to U.S. interests. American Foreign Policy Council research fellow Michael Sobolik, however, spoke to the dangers of rejoining organizations like the U.N. Population Fund in a conversation with the Washington Free Beacon.

"Funding the U.N. Population Fund carries significant risk for the United States, namely, being complicit in China's coercive population control measures in Xinjiang," Sobolik said. "Cursory research reveals official links between China's National Health Commission and Xinjiang's health commission, the local government agency responsible for funding the sterilization and abortion of Uighur women and babies. This connection, while unsurprising, should deeply concern U.S. policymakers, given [the] U.N. Population Fund's work with Chinese family planning agencies."

China has used international organizations to promote its domestic interests, including the U.N. Population Fund. Beijing leverages the organization to cooperate with Chinese population control measures in places like Xinjiang, where millions of Uighurs are currently detained. China also manipulates international agencies through its economic and political power as a bully pulpit toward developing countries, according to Stewart M. Patrick of the Council on Foreign Relations.

"Xi Jinping has pledged lots of money for peace and security and also development in Africa, and so obviously the Belt and Road Initiative holds some sway," Patrick said at a Thursday panel hosted by the American Enterprise Institute.

AEI senior fellow Danielle Pletka noted that the traditional use of multilateral institutions and agreements—often on display during the Obama administration—would not be effective in standing up to Beijing. Pletka pointed to Biden's promises to strengthen America's U.N. presence and to re-sign the Paris climate accords.

"Joining something isn't a win," Pletka said. "Of course, adherence, effectiveness, and doing something related to that actual signature is often left far behind. … This is a farcical approach to international organizations that has governed us for way too long."

Biden has already made rejoining the U.N. and similar organizations a top agenda item for his administration. The first round of his cabinet picks includes John Kerry as special presidential envoy for climate and Linda Thomas-Greenfield as ambassador to the U.N., signaling to some the importance of those positions to Biden given how early they were announced.

"I'm returning to government to get America back on track to address the biggest challenge of this generation and those that will follow," Kerry tweeted in November. "The climate crisis demands nothing less than all hands on deck."

Biden Pledge to Rejoin U.N. Would Hurt U.S. Position Against China, Experts Say
Jack Beyrer
December 4, 2020 6:50 PM

The answer to the Democrat voter fraud is not to stay at home – that’s what Pelosi and Schumer want you to do.


Trump should respond to Pelosi and Schumer with a parable:

An old priest lay dying in the hospital. For years He had faithfully served the people of the nation's capital.

He motioned for his nurse to come near. "Yes, Father" said the nurse. "I would really like to see Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi before I die", whispered the priest. "I'll see what I can do, Father" replied the nurse. The nurse sent the request to them and waited for a response. Soon the word arrived. Schumer and Pelosi would be delighted to visit the priest. As they went to the hospital, Schumer commented to Pelosi "I don't know why the old priest wants to see us, but it will certainly help our images." Nancy couldn't help but agree.

When they arrived at the priest's room, the priest took Pelosi's hand in his right hand and Schumer’s hand in his left. There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest's face. Finally Nancy spoke. "Father, of all the people you could have chosen, why did you choose us to be with you as you near the end"

The old priest slowly replied "I have always tried to pattern my life after our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." The old priest continued..."He died between two lying thieves. I would like to do the same."