
Here are the JUNE 2024 results. While Obtenebrator got the "top prize" this month, Geeko Sportivo (aka "Dumb Lizard") had a strong showing at the tail end of the month to add a second Bronze trophy into his collection. CONGRATS to GEEKO, who is now the "most decorated" of the bunch!!!

"LOL. You guys would elect [Trump] no matter what he did. He could fuck the flag on live TV and you'd still vote for him and you'd start fucking the flag. [OBTENEBRATOR]
SILVER: "As part of probation, drug tests are often required. trump has a long history of drug addiction. That could be a problem." [WALT]
BRONZE: "All I got out of this debate, are the facts that Donald Trump is still a lying, denying, insulting, arrogant, criminally insane, sore-losing, dishonest, anti-democratic, disgraced EX-PRESIDENT ASSHOLE, and Joe Biden is still 81 years old, had a bad cold, and even though he is an accomplished president, looked jet-lagged, HAD A BAD DAY mentally and physically and obviously out-of-character for him, and had a bad performance with his delivery on stage." [GEEKO SPORTIVO]

FIRST PLACE: "If someone cannot distinguish between the democracy of Biden and fascism of Trump, please do not vote. [HUME]
SECOND PLACE: "There were about 160 million votes cast for prez in 2020. Those incidents are proof that the system works, not that it is flawed." [NORDBERG]
THIRD PLACE: "The Judge has already told Donnie that he does not want to send him to jail, but he will if Donnie forces his hand. Hint hint DONNIE!" [GEEKO SPORTIVO]

"...convicted felon..." [JPP's NPC Marxists (in general)]
You TRIMPTARDED assholes wanted a fight, so I am here to bring it MOTHER FUCKER. If you get your little feelings hurt, the crying towels are in the Bathroom! [GEEKO SPORTIVO]
"Ballot stuffing does not work. Trumpys are off on a conspiracy tangent as usual." [NORDBERG]
"Oh, the humanity! Six feet and an occasional mask!" [DOMER76]
"OMG. A foreign leader would never demand friendly territory to negotiate from. Trump is unable to stand up to CNN moderators. How can he stand up to Putin or Xi? [POOR RICHARD SAUNDERS]
"I’m still voting for the old guy with a cold and a stutter." [PHANTASMAL]
"There were no winners in last night's debate!" [GEEKO SPORTIVO]
"Biden might be stuttering a little but he's on top of his thoughts." [NOMAD]

Geeko Sportivo -
[2] bronze, [2] cb-3rd = (4)
Commander Dutch - gold, cb-2nd = (2)
Nordberg - silver, cb-2nd = (2)
Obtenebrator - gold = (1)
Walt - silver = (1)

Hume - cb-1st = (1)
Cypress - cb-1st = (1)

Commander Dutch -
Obtenebrator - gold
Nordberg - silver
Walt - silver
Geeko Sportivo - bronze [2]
Hume - cb-1st
Cypress - cb-1st
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Here are the JUNE 2024 results. While Obtenebrator got the "top prize" this month, Geeko Sportivo (aka "Dumb Lizard") had a strong showing at the tail end of the month to add a second Bronze trophy into his collection. CONGRATS to GEEKO, who is now the "most decorated" of the bunch!!!

"LOL. You guys would elect [Trump] no matter what he did. He could fuck the flag on live TV and you'd still vote for him and you'd start fucking the flag. [OBTENEBRATOR]
SILVER: "As part of probation, drug tests are often required. trump has a long history of drug addiction. That could be a problem." [WALT]
BRONZE: "All I got out of this debate, are the facts that Donald Trump is still a lying, denying, insulting, arrogant, criminally insane, sore-losing, dishonest, anti-democratic, disgraced EX-PRESIDENT ASSHOLE, and Joe Biden is still 81 years old, had a bad cold, and even though he is an accomplished president, looked jet-lagged, HAD A BAD DAY mentally and physically and obviously out-of-character for him, and had a bad performance with his delivery on stage." [GEEKO SPORTIVO]

FIRST PLACE: "If someone cannot distinguish between the democracy of Biden and fascism of Trump, please do not vote. [HUME]
SECOND PLACE: "There were about 160 million votes cast for prez in 2020. Those incidents are proof that the system works, not that it is flawed." [NORDBERG]
THIRD PLACE: "The Judge has already told Donnie that he does not want to send him to jail, but he will if Donnie forces his hand. Hint hint DONNIE!" [GEEKO SPORTIVO]

"...convicted felon..." [JPP's NPC Marxists (in general)]
You TRIMPTARDED assholes wanted a fight, so I am here to bring it MOTHER FUCKER. If you get your little feelings hurt, the crying towels are in the Bathroom! [GEEKO SPORTIVO]
"Ballot stuffing does not work. Trumpys are off on a conspiracy tangent as usual." [NORDBERG]
"Oh, the humanity! Six feet and an occasional mask!" [DOMER76]
"OMG. A foreign leader would never demand friendly territory to negotiate from. Trump is unable to stand up to CNN moderators. How can he stand up to Putin or Xi? [POOR RICHARD SAUNDERS]
"I’m still voting for the old guy with a cold and a stutter." [PHANTASMAL]
"There were no winners in last night's debate!" [GEEKO SPORTIVO]
"Biden might be stuttering a little but he's on top of his thoughts." [NOMAD]

Geeko Sportivo -
[2] bronze, [2] cb-3rd = (4)
Commander Dutch - gold, cb-2nd = (2)
Nordberg - silver, cb-2nd = (2)
Obtenebrator - gold = (1)
Walt - silver = (1)

Hume - cb-1st = (1)
Cypress - cb-1st = (1)

Commander Dutch -
Obtenebrator - gold
Nordberg - silver
Walt - silver
Geeko Sportivo - bronze [2]
Hume - cb-1st
Cypress - cb-1st

Brilliant work.
Holy shit! That’s some major league obsessive shit right there! Pretty fucking bizarre to go to that kind of mining effort.

Somebody didn’t get their meds refilled.
Brilliant work.
Thank you. It's my belief that our liberal friends deserve to be officially recognized for their "top-tier" contributions to the "post-revamp era" of this forum.

At the end of the year, I am considering holding a supplemental "awardth thayamony" solely for the (partial) year's "gold trophy winners". You could consider it to be a "champion's bracket" of sorts. I do think that Obtenebrator's offering this month will be very hard to beat, but who knows just how crazy JPP's Marxists will get closer to, and immediately after, (s)election day/season.
Holy shit! That’s some major league obsessive shit right there!
Nah. I just feel that JPP's Marxists deserve official recognition for their efforts. I understand that you may be peeved that you've only won a single "pawtithipathun twophy" so far, but don't fret, there's still time for you to turn it around!
Pretty fucking bizarre to go to that kind of mining effort.
WHAT "mining effort"? I'm literally just noting some of the posts that I come across that catch my eye. This takes VERY little effort on my end. How silly was I to initially think that I was only going to do a "top three" (gold to bronze) and was only going to post the results every quarter (three months).

Now, I've found myself adding in a consolation bracket, adding in a handful or two of participation trophies each month, AND posting these results on a monthly basis instead of quarterly. I should've known better right from the start, but unlike liberals, I'm actually capable of learning and making adjustments as I go along.
Somebody didn’t get their meds refilled.
Yup, and that person's name is Joe Biden. BOY was that an absolutely horrendous debate performance on his part, wouldn't you agree?

I challenge you to watch a clip of Biden debating Paul RINO Ryan back in 2012, then compare that clip against the complete and utter embarrassment that you watched last night. Biden '24 is a SHELL of Biden '12, and this cognitive issue began even earlier than Biden '20, but the manipulative gaslighting media LIED to you for years upon years upon YEARS about this fact...

In fact, just days before the debate, they were telling you that Biden was cognitively well and that it was TRUMP who had cognitive issues. So what ELSE are the media lying to you about? How can you trust anything that they say about Trump, or even anything AT ALL, after what you saw play out on live TV last night (and after they spent YEARS gaslighting you into believing that Biden was mentally sharp)?
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