

Verified User
Junker (noun) --- Pronounced yoongker

A member of the Prussian landed aristocracy, a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism.

There is a lot of significant info in Rajan Laad’ piece with one exception —— there is no way on God’s green earth Pakistan’s military ——(See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_India) —— nor can any Muslim country’s military be compared to Prussia’s Junkers:

It was either Voltaire or Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, one of the founding fathers of the French Revolution, who observed that the now-former nation of Prussia “is not a state that has an army, rather an army that has a state.”

In contemporary times, that description aptly applies to Pakistan.

September 19, 2021
We Need to Talk about Pakistan
By Rajan Laad


Go back to World War One war before you decide if Laad’s interpretation holds water:

Lets take a look at Wilson abandoning neutrality when he took sides between two Colonial empires. The sinking of the Lusitania was his excuse. Years after WWI ended it came out that the Lusitania’s cargo holds contained war materials. In retrospect, Germany had every right to sink her.

Winston’s Churchill’s hand can be seen in the RMS Lusitania, a British luxury liner owned by Cunard Line flying the British flag.

It was the same Churchill who later manipulated FDR with so much success leading up to Pearl Harbor.

Churchill was first lord of the admiralty from 1914 to 1918. The Lusitania Conspiracy Theory implies that Churchill had a hand in the certainty that the German Navy would sink the Lusitania. The U.S. entered the war on England’s side in 1917. In short: Churchill was a professional conspirator compared to FDR when it suited England’s purpose.



“Lusitania (vessel), British steamship, torpedoed in 1915 without warning during World War I by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland. The ship sank quickly, and 1198 people died, including 128 Americans. The Germans asserted that the ship was carrying arms for the Allies (which later research proved to be true). Anti-German sentiments increased in the United States after the disaster. Germany refused to accept responsibility for the tragedy but agreed not to sink passenger liners without warning.”

Germany was engaged in a war against England and was justified in sinking the Lusitania once they learned that the Lusitania was carrying arms in its cargo holds. Germany’s military at the time was controlled by Junkers, an honorable class of Prussian militarists. There was a not a chance they would have ordered the Lusitania torpedoed without knowing beforehand what she was carrying. You can bet that Churchill, and probably President Wilson, made sure that the German High Command learned in time for the Lusitania to be intercepted.

The Lusitania was torpedoed on May 7, 1915. Congress declared war on April 6, 1917; a full two years after the Lusitania. In those two years merchant ships supplying war materials to Great Britain were torpedoed. It was sinking those merchant ships that gave Wilson his declaration of war. That tells me that it took a full two years for the Lusitania Conspiracy to come to fruition. An event that claimed relatively few Americans lives in the course of a European war this country never should have fought.

Had the public known the truth in 1915, anti-German, pro-British, sentiments would have been impossible to sustain long enough for Wilson to involve the American people in England’s war against Germany. No television and damn few radios to administer booster shots back then.

Parenthetically, look at how American Communists concocted excuses for the 3,000 murders Muslims committed on 9-11-2001. That act of war cannot be justified by any sane person, yet the Blame America First crowd went out of their way to see that no anti-Muslim sentiments got started in the same way anti-German-American sentiment was encouraged after the Lusitania.

Can you imagine hundreds of thousands of Germans flooding into the U.S. after the Lusitania was torpedoed the same way hundreds of thousands of Muslims came here after 9-11-2001?

The Lusitania cries “Conspiracy” from her watery grave; whereas, the only conspiracy connected to the events of 9-11-2001 is the one that was hatched by Islamist extremists. However, there is one important similarity between 9-11 and the Lusitania.

The Germans were not supposed to protect themselves during a war by stopping weapons from reaching their enemy without Germany first presenting proof of British skullduggery to the world. The similarity to 9-11-2001 being that Americans are not supposed to defend themselves against Islam, China, North Korea, and Russia without showing proof to satisfy the International Community and the Democrat Party. Proof is waived if the U.S. acts multilaterally with the U.N.’s blessings.


Let me clarify:

The Holy Roman Empire was the First Reich. It lasted from 962 until 1806 —— 844 years.

The Second Reich lasted from 1871 until 1918 —— 47 years

The Third Reich lasted from 1933 until 1945 —— 12 years

Hitler hoped to establish a thousand year Reich. Whether or not he wanted another H.R.E. is debatable.

You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness? Adolf Hitler

The First Reich was the muscle for the Roman Catholic Church. I doubt if Hitler saw his Germany in that role.

In addition, Hitler had no use for the Junkers —— an honorable landed/military ruling class he blamed for losing WWI. In Hitler’s eyes the Junkers were the natural descendants and the last remnants of the H.R.E.

On the other side of the coin, anti-Roman Catholicism in the U.S. had a lot to do with America siding with Great Britain against Germany in two wars. I am pretty sure Hitler was aware of America’s religious bias before WWII. Hitler certainly understood the anti-Roman Catholicism that influenced Woodrow Wilson in WWI. His biggest mistake was declaring war on the U.S. after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

One unintended consequence of America’s anti-Roman Catholicism was that Germany’s defeat prolonged the life of Soviet Communism; indeed, Communism is still haunting America and the world.

Examine the Holy Roman Empire (H.R.E.) in relation to Hitler’s promise of a Reich that would last as long as the H.R.E. Start with WWI:

Many factors contributed to WWI. Factors like England's determination to prevent Germany from becoming a world power that would challenge the British Empire in commerce, but it is Woodrow Wilson's true motives that American historians should examine in more detail.

Why did Wilson consider England the better ally prior to WWI? In my opinion Wilson's decision was prompted by his own Presbyterian beliefs. In short: President Wilson abandoned this country’s strict neutrality and sided with Great Britain for no reason other than his personal hatred of the Holy Roman Empire. At that point in time the United States had never fought against Germany, while Americans had twice fought the British? Depending upon your interpretation, Germany was burned twice by the British-U.S. alliance.

NOTE: Hitler, WWII, the United Nations, and Communism’s tenacity, were the results of Wilson’s unintended consequences.

The new religion, Communism, prior to WWI must be viewed in relation to the final days of the H.R.E. The German States were the Holy Roman Empire for nearly a thousand years. So it was inevitable that Germany was destined to produce the strongest reaction to Communism. Rather than being a new political philosophy, Nazism was attempting to regain some sense of Germany’s lost morality in the face of worldwide Communism. Conquest, extermination camps, and racial purity were the methods Hitler’s Nazis adopted in a world that was already turned upside down in German eyes.

The Third Reich did not work out too well for Germany; lasting from 1933 until 1945.

The H.R.E.’s life span lasted from 962 to 1945. In my chronology the Holy Roman Empire was uninterrupted even though Hitler’s insane Reich can in no way be compared to the First Reich. Throughout the centuries the H.R.E. was the light of the world —— until March 4, 1789:

Finally, Pat Buchanan’s history lesson demolishes the myth of Germany’s love of militarism:

Churchill was first lord of the admiralty from 1914 to 1918.

Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty at the time the Lusitania sank, but he left government a few months later and went to command a battalion on the Western Front. After that he never made it back into the War Cabinet, mainly because the government needed Conservative support and the Conservatives detested Churchill. Autre temps ...!

Germany refused to accept responsibility for the tragedy but agreed not to sink passenger liners without warning.

It was two years after the Lusitania sank that the United States entered the war. The proximate cause was not that Americans hated the Holy Roman Empire, lol. It was that Germany had resumed unrestricted submarine warfare on American shipping.

… it was inevitable that Germany was destined to produce the strongest reaction to Communism.

After the February 1917 revolution which overthrew the Tsar, the German High Command transported Lenin from Switzerland to Finland so he could enter Russia and foment a communist revolution. He succeeded and took Russia out of the war. You could say that the “Junkers” were godfathers of the Soviet Union, although doubtless that wasn’t their intention.

Many factors contributed to WWI. Factors like England's determination to prevent Germany from becoming a world power that would challenge the British Empire.

It was FRANCE that was invaded (and Belgium flattened along the way), plus Serbia and some other faraway countries.

Britain was late to the party. It had no formal treaty obligations to France, only an “understanding”. A minority of Asquith’s Liberal government opposed joining the melee, but they were overruled.

How might the world have been different if Britain had stayed out? Germany would have won and bestridden the continent, so no WWII in Europe. Otoh Germany still dominates the continent, albeit under reformed management – definitely not Junkers. Maybe that’s preferable to what might have been.
Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty at the time the Lusitania sank, but he left government a few months later and went to command a battalion on the Western Front. After that he never made it back into the War Cabinet, mainly because the government needed Conservative support and the Conservatives detested Churchill. Autre temps ...!

To Tranquillus in Exile: Churchill was out of government because of Gallipoli:

The Battle of Gallipoli was fought during World War I (1914-1918) and represented an attempt to knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war. The plan for the operation was conceived by First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill who believed warships could force the Dardanelles and strike directly at Constantinople.

World War I: Battle of Gallipoli
By Kennedy Hickman
Updated December 03, 2018


After the slaughter at Gallipoli —— no British prime minister would touch him until September 1939 when Chamberlain made him First Lord of the Admiralty.

Incidentally, Churchill had to learn the hard way:

I do not know if this vignette is included in FDR’s Battle with Churchill, but it was General Marshall who told Churchill to piss-off:

'I have a tape of my interview with Marshall where he recalls what he and Churchill said to each other,' Pogue said, quoting Marshall:

'I remember Churchill standing up with his hands on his lapels, and he says, 'Muskets must flame.' All kinds of oratory like that. I just said to him, 'You can do whatever you like with the British, but not one American soldier is going to die on that goddamn beach.'

And thus ended any thought of the Allies invading Rhodes.

Marshall had counted on commanding Overlord, but at the last minute Roosevelt decided that he could not do without Marshall in Washington as chief of staff, so Eisenhower was named supreme commander of allied powers in Europe.

June 2, 1984
D-Day: 40 years later;NEWLN:Gen. George Marshall rejected all alternatives to invading France




In one confrontation, General Marshall shouts to Churchill that not one “G-damned” American soldier will die on the beaches of Rhodes, the obscure Greek island with which Churchill was obsessed. FDR was unfailingly more gentle and indirect as he steered the Anglo-American alliance towards the invasion of France required for Germany’s defeat. Even as D-Day fast approached, Churchill insisted on distracting renewed offensives in Italy to take Rome, or plotted Allied attacks in Greece or the Balkans. Hamilton faults Churchill for orchestrating the costly months-long imbroglio at Anzio, which delayed D-Day by one month and further postponed the invasion of southern France. Both assaults on France resulted in far fewer casualties than Churchill had warned, and each was far less bloody than Anzio, which Churchill understandably feared reprised his WWI Gallipoli disaster.
After the slaughter at Gallipoli —— no British prime minister would touch him until September 1939

Cabinet offices held by Churchill in the 1920s:

Secretary of State for War 1919 – 1921 (under Lloyd George)

Secretary of State for the Colonies 1921- 1922 (still Lloyd George)

Chancellor of the Exchequer 1924 – 1929 (under Baldwin).

In 1929 a Labour government was elected. With commendable restraint, Churchill didn’t join them.
Cabinet offices held by Churchill in the 1920s:

Secretary of State for War 1919 – 1921 (under Lloyd George)

Secretary of State for the Colonies 1921- 1922 (still Lloyd George)

Chancellor of the Exchequer 1924 – 1929 (under Baldwin).

In 1929 a Labour government was elected. With commendable restraint, Churchill didn’t join them.

To Tranquillus in Exile: I stand corrected. He did hold cabinet posts, but with little or no political influence in Parliament until 1939.