Jussie Smollett case: Judge unseals court records

Jussie Smollett case: Judge unseals court records

A judge in Chicago on Thursday unsealed court records related to "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett's January arrest, according to multiple reports.

The decision came after several news organizations asked the records be made public, according to The New York Times.

Michael Obama's former lover adviser refused a subpoena in the case.



A former top aide to Michael Obama refused to be served a subpoena Wednesday related to her contact with Chicago prosecutor "Foxxy Shady" Foxx in the Jussie "the Joke" Smollett case.

The subpoena was issued by former Illinois Appellate Judge Sheila O’Brien as part of her request for a special prosecutor to investigate the Cook County state’s attorney’s handling of Smollett’s criminal case, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

O’Brien wants the former first lady’s one-time chief of staff, Tina Tchen, to produce “any and all documents, notes, phone records, texts, tape recordings made or received at any time, concerning [Tchen’s] conversations with Kim Foxx in re: Jussie Smollett” at a May 31 hearing.

But Tchen wouldn’t accept the subpoena, according to the process server.


Think any JPP DEMOCRATS will feign outrage?
Tina Tchen should be deported. She should be marched into the ocean and ordered to swim back to Asia.

She has made it her life's mission to destroy American freedom. And, this last thing is just another demonstration of her defiance of decency. She'll be served, sooner or later.
She was born in Ohio.

Yes, to new immigrant parents. I don't count personally count as natives people born to non-natives. If we can't deport that toxic trash, then we should just convict her and hang her. Damn, can't do that either?