just a little something to keep the young'ins busy.....

Yeah that's cool and all, but see there is this new thing you older gents might not be aware of. It's called porn. The internet is full of it. And the people in it are generally hotter than in everyday life.
just a little something to keep the young'ins busy over the Christmas holidays.....

build your own TSA body scanner....

YouTube - Microwave Handy Scanner - TSA Body Imaging at Home

I love this user comment.

Although I really appreciate Jeri talking dirty to me with all that s*xy engineering jargon, if she wants to see me naked (and who doesn't) all she had to do was ask-- no need to retrofit an "LNB three horn array." God, a beauty with a brain and a sense of humor too. How rare
Yeah that's cool and all, but see there is this new thing you older gents might not be aware of. It's called porn. The internet is full of it. And the people in it are generally hotter than in everyday life.

you young'ins think the internet has all the answers.....in my day we had to go out and physically make our own porn if we wanted it......

I'm aroused.