Just a note


If you are protestant and from the south and call yourself "Irish", fyi, that's probably not exactly true. In fact those older protestant "Irish" who came to the United States during its founding were Scotch-Irish. These were not in fact natives of Ireland at all, basically in the 1600s hundreds Cromwell was pissed af at the Irish so he ethnically cleansed northern Ireland, and at the same time your retard ancestors were all over the Lowlands of Scotland killing each other, so he thought if he gave a bunch of you stolen land from the actual Irish it would calm things down a bit there. Two birds with one stone. After getting fat from the stolen land of an Irishman, then you probably came to America, maybe with a fat bat full of slaves to sell for a profit to establish yourself there. You see, it wasn't enough to steal the land of the Irish, you had to steal the land of the Indians too, and steal Africans themselves because you were too much of a lazy piece of shit to work. When Uncle Sam took away your toys you threw a temper tantrum for about a century called Jim Crow where you created the world's first terrorist organization, the Ku Klux Klan, and overthrew the reconstruction governments and replaced them with white supremacist dictatorships, and then you lynched thousands of blacks, proud, with broad smiles on each of your faces, to show them who was boss.

I say this because I'm Scotch-Irish, I have tons of "Irish" friends who are in fact obviously Scotch-Irish. You are a protestant, you live in a white rural area so obviously your ancestors were beneficiaries of the homestead act, which had been entirely exhausted by the time the Irish dredged themselves up enough out of the poverty you threw them into to buy a steamship ticket to Boston. But these friendos post really dumb shit online about how oppressed the Irish were, you know, how the Irish like them were slaves n shit so blacks should just get over it. No, not like you, in addition to being a horror and a monster to black people, you were yet another horror the Irish had to experience. The people buying those Irish indentured servants were *you*, you just soon got tired of abusing them and turned to black people instead, so that you forgot about your favorite victim and somehow use them as a shield. If you showed your ancestors a St Patricks day parade sticker and explained this foreign concept to you that would call you a papist whore and gather their buds to lynch the self-declared Irish ape, who isn't even white after all.

You get nothing, I'm very sorry, your entire lineage is hot garbage. Should've stayed in the lowlands of Scotland and killed yourselves or become a discount Englishman.
If you are protestant and from the south and call yourself "Irish", fyi, that's probably not exactly true. In fact those older protestant "Irish" who came to the United States during its founding were Scotch-Irish. These were not in fact natives of Ireland at all, basically in the 1600s hundreds Cromwell was pissed af at the Irish so he ethnically cleansed northern Ireland, and at the same time your retard ancestors were all over the Lowlands of Scotland killing each other, so he thought if he gave a bunch of you stolen land from the actual Irish it would calm things down a bit there. Two birds with one stone. After getting fat from the stolen land of an Irishman, then you probably came to America, maybe with a fat bat full of slaves to sell for a profit to establish yourself there. You see, it wasn't enough to steal the land of the Irish, you had to steal the land of the Indians too, and steal Africans themselves because you were too much of a lazy piece of shit to work. When Uncle Sam took away your toys you threw a temper tantrum for about a century called Jim Crow where you created the world's first terrorist organization, the Ku Klux Klan, and overthrew the reconstruction governments and replaced them with white supremacist dictatorships, and then you lynched thousands of blacks, proud, with broad smiles on each of your faces, to show them who was boss.

I say this because I'm Scotch-Irish, I have tons of "Irish" friends who are in fact obviously Scotch-Irish. You are a protestant, you live in a white rural area so obviously your ancestors were beneficiaries of the homestead act, which had been entirely exhausted by the time the Irish dredged themselves up enough out of the poverty you threw them into to buy a steamship ticket to Boston. But these friendos post really dumb shit online about how oppressed the Irish were, you know, how the Irish like them were slaves n shit so blacks should just get over it. No, not like you, in addition to being a horror and a monster to black people, you were yet another horror the Irish had to experience. The people buying those Irish indentured servants were *you*, you just soon got tired of abusing them and turned to black people instead, so that you forgot about your favorite victim and somehow use them as a shield. If you showed your ancestors a St Patricks day parade sticker and explained this foreign concept to you that would call you a papist whore and gather their buds to lynch the self-declared Irish ape, who isn't even white after all.

You get nothing, I'm very sorry, your entire lineage is hot garbage. Should've stayed in the lowlands of Scotland and killed yourselves or become a discount Englishman.

"No Irish need apply"
If you are protestant and from the south and call yourself "Irish", fyi, that's probably not exactly true. In fact those older protestant "Irish" who came to the United States during its founding were Scotch-Irish. These were not in fact natives of Ireland at all, basically in the 1600s hundreds Cromwell was pissed af at the Irish so he ethnically cleansed northern Ireland, and at the same time your retard ancestors were all over the Lowlands of Scotland killing each other, so he thought if he gave a bunch of you stolen land from the actual Irish it would calm things down a bit there. Two birds with one stone. After getting fat from the stolen land of an Irishman, then you probably came to America, maybe with a fat bat full of slaves to sell for a profit to establish yourself there. You see, it wasn't enough to steal the land of the Irish, you had to steal the land of the Indians too, and steal Africans themselves because you were too much of a lazy piece of shit to work. When Uncle Sam took away your toys you threw a temper tantrum for about a century called Jim Crow where you created the world's first terrorist organization, the Ku Klux Klan, and overthrew the reconstruction governments and replaced them with white supremacist dictatorships, and then you lynched thousands of blacks, proud, with broad smiles on each of your faces, to show them who was boss.

I say this because I'm Scotch-Irish, I have tons of "Irish" friends who are in fact obviously Scotch-Irish. You are a protestant, you live in a white rural area so obviously your ancestors were beneficiaries of the homestead act, which had been entirely exhausted by the time the Irish dredged themselves up enough out of the poverty you threw them into to buy a steamship ticket to Boston. But these friendos post really dumb shit online about how oppressed the Irish were, you know, how the Irish like them were slaves n shit so blacks should just get over it. No, not like you, in addition to being a horror and a monster to black people, you were yet another horror the Irish had to experience. The people buying those Irish indentured servants were *you*, you just soon got tired of abusing them and turned to black people instead, so that you forgot about your favorite victim and somehow use them as a shield. If you showed your ancestors a St Patricks day parade sticker and explained this foreign concept to you that would call you a papist whore and gather their buds to lynch the self-declared Irish ape, who isn't even white after all.

You get nothing, I'm very sorry, your entire lineage is hot garbage. Should've stayed in the lowlands of Scotland and killed yourselves or become a discount Englishman.

Damn, your posts are ALWAYS such garbage. Congratulations.