APP - Just as I suspected. All is not as it seems

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

As democrats froth at the mouth thinking they have President Trump trapped in a corner with impeachment coming any day now, there is a whole lot going on in the background that isn't being reported. I suspect that very soon the dam is about to break and it will send the Deep State scurrying. I suspect that the Deep State senses this which is why they are throwing so much at President Trump right now

I think the whole Trump/Sessions feud is nothing more than kabuki theater to distract the democrats and it has ironically caused them to defend Sessions.

As democrats froth at the mouth thinking they have President Trump trapped in a corner with impeachment coming any day now, there is a whole lot going on in the background that isn't being reported. I suspect that very soon the dam is about to break and it will send the Deep State scurrying. I suspect that the Deep State senses this which is why they are throwing so much at President Trump right now

I think the whole Trump/Sessions feud is nothing more than kabuki theater to distract the democrats and it has ironically caused them to defend Sessions.

the only thing that worries me is I think plenty of leftists wont care at this point. They think trump is the antichrist and would 100% support deep state nefarious efforts to take him down. They are anti-american.
the only thing that worries me is I think plenty of leftists wont care at this point. They think trump is the antichrist and would 100% support deep state nefarious efforts to take him down. They are anti-american.

Oh I have no doubt they don’t care.

The truth of the matter is that leftists are outnumbered in this country.

This will be to rally the base, keep the House and potentially get a filibuster proof Senate