Just curious


Super lefty
I was wondering the other day what the general consensus from the pro life crowd was on assisted suicide aka dying with dignity.
I was wondering the other day what the general consensus from the pro life crowd was on assisted suicide aka dying with dignity.

Expect some snarky comment from someone like Pimp, who will say that assisted suicide is okay, as long as the assisted one is a liberal...
They have no moral compass ...only a political one.

I'm not pro life but I'll take a stab at a logical answer. Assissted suicide is granted to those who have no reasonable chance of surviving whatever illness they have. Also the person who requests it does it fully cognizant.
A fetus has no say in their death and a reasonable person could expect that fetus would have a long life. That's a big difference.
But I'm of the opinion that if the parents of that fetus have no chance of nurturing the physical and mental health of the future child then it's probably better off aborted.
Murder is murder regardless of how one wishes to re-define it. The "truth" does not evolve....what was true yesterday is just as true today. Its a sad state of affairs when "convenience" is placed above human life. Just as was the truth involved with TERRI SHAVIO...simply follow the money with this latest publicized story involving an infant child in Europe.

In the Shavio case...her husband started a trust fund to help keep his wife alive, only after collecting millions of dollars that he then controlled as the next of kin...he was all for pulling the plug.

The same for the latest case....money/wealth comes in many forms, but....there was a trust established under the pretense of appealing to the court to allow the parents to come to the US in quest of some experimental treatment. Apparently life has no meaning to any leftist. If one crunches the numbers with a little research....people are being rewarded in some fashion for the act of society getting to determine just when a human life is not worthy of saving..... lawyers as well as some in the media are being rewarded in some form.

As far as morality goes...life is always paramount and especially if the parents want and demand to do whatever is possible to maintain the life of their child. Simply because something is "legal" does not equate that law as being a morally righteous act to engage. Moral people's make moral laws...immoral people make immoral laws....all law does is reflect the morality or lack thereof of any civilized people's.

What does the Law delivered in the Holy Bible state....the quint essential measuring stick of all Christian MORALITY? Man is not animal....man was created in the image of God with a soul that goes back to the creator upon death -- Gen. 1:26-27

Look at what God was willing pay for human life "His only begotten Son...." Why? Because God continues to love all of us regardless of our sin. (John 3:16) The Bible declares all human's to be less than perfect because of the free will sin engaged by everyone (Ps. 8) yet He provided a way for humanity to escape the bondage of this physical life because of His love. Does a parent feel any less love toward their children, any moral parent would do everything possible to provide for their children until their last breath is drawn.

One must consider this infant child a Handicapped individual. The scriptures declares that all who suffer with a handicap should be taken care of...not murdered for convenience sake. (Lev. 19:14, Deut. 27:18)

Jesus ministered and healed the handicaped...He did not suggest their life was a waste and they must be put down because they might be suffering -- Matt. 11:5

More importantly all human life belongs to God who created it...it does not belong to society or to SELF....a human body is a TEMPLE that hosts the spirit of God it should be treated as such. (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Suicide in any form is a SIN....a sin that cannot be forgiven as there is no way to ask God for forgiveness after one is dead...there is no "repentance" possible. Suicide is a cowardly act.

Let us not forget the oath taken by all Physicians, "First do no harm......." Just as with abortion any supposed Dr. that helps kill another person is nothing but an immoral hypocrite.
Slippery slope. Places that have it, have found Drs socially engineering their patients into dying early, for simple illnesses like mild senility. To save on HC.

However, if someone was terminally ill with cancer and wants to, I don't have a problem.