Just For LadyT and Beefy


Well, no, actually. I suppose anyone can look. :)

One of my favorite columnists, long known to share my high regard for persons of the feline persuasion, has a cat column today. I think you'll like it.
Cats are Republicans; everyone knows that. They're not neocons; they disapprove of both deficit spending and the Iraq war. They're old-fashioned, limited-government, libertarian, tax-cutting Republicans. They got energized during the Goldwater campaign, which was disappointing, and then again during the Reagan years. After Reagan: doom and gloom for cats, with ideological idiots in control and ideological idiots in the opposition.

So what did they do? They napped. They chased inanimate objects. They demanded more food. They were killing time, waiting for the pendulum to swing again. Meanwhile, they were batting at the pendulum.

I try not to discuss politics with my cats; sometimes the conversation degenerates into hissing matches. I'm not that good a hisser, so the cats walk off thinking they have won. Of course, the cats always walk off thinking they have won, so nothing new there. They're geniuses at repurposing defeat as victory. If we put a cat in charge in Iraq, we'd be out of there in six months and everyone would be sure we'd won.

Since we're never going to win, the sooner we start pretending we've won, the better off the world will be. The cats and I are of one mind on this matter.

On the other hand, cats are adamantly opposed to social programs. They wonder why the money is not being spent on better things like, say, cats. They point out that they can find food and housing, even raise children, without a subsidy from the federal government. I point out that they are using a subsidy from me instead. They yell, "Private sector! Private sector! Gotcha!" So annoying.
I am not the target audience, but a good one there.
I am still enjoying whomever posted this last week.

Dogs have masters , Cats have support staffs.
or something close ;)
LOL. I can agree that they are Republicans. But not for the reasons mentioned ;)
I never had cats untill about a year ago, their momma had them in one of my sheds and then got killed ? well dissappeared anyway. I took pity on the poor little suckers. They are basically outdoor cats, I let them in for brief periods though if the weather is bad.
I have already been out several hundred dollars on them for vet bills....
But still cheaper than a wife :D
Cats have to be treated really carefully to get them to act like dogs.
Dogs trust is almost unending .
You break a cats trust and they wont ever trust you at the same level again.
I had a cat that trusted everyone who walked in the door,She acted like a dog.
I moved in with a bunch of roomates to go to college and the guys teased her all the time, she was never the same again.
She still trusted me and my boyfriend(now my hubby) but no one else.
Dogs are pack creatures and so are humans, hence they get along great.
Cats are individuals and only out for themselves. It is my food and I want to keep it!
Dogs are pack creatures and so are humans, hence they get along great.
Cats are individuals and only out for themselves. It is my food and I want to keep it!

Souns like Republicans to me: Inhumane and out for themselves.

Ornot you are 100% on the money.:clink:
Souns like Republicans to me: Inhumane and out for themselves.

Ornot you are 100% on the money.:clink:

Cats are very different from dogs, it's true. They're also very different from us which is exactly why I like them so much, I suppose.

We're pack predators just like dogs are: it's no surprise we think a lot alike. Cats on the other hand have a very different social organization in the wild. They aren't solitary as some writers have it but their social structure is very loose. They're alien. Exotic, if you will. I find them endlessly fascinating. Also really funny.

Cats are very different from dogs, it's true. They're also very different from us which is exactly why I like them so much, I suppose.

We're pack predators just like dogs are: it's no surprise we think a lot alike. Cats on the other hand have a very different social organization in the wild. They aren't solitary as some writers have it but their social structure is very loose. They're alien. Exotic, if you will. I find them endlessly fascinating. Also really funny.

Yeah. Alien, untamed and fascinating. That's the impression I get when I watch Ann Coulter or O'Reilly. I wouldn't go so far as to say I like them though.
Yeah. Alien, untamed and fascinating. That's the impression I get when I watch Ann Coulter or O'Reilly. I wouldn't go so far as to say I like them though.
Oh, you might feel differently about Ann Coulter if she were only 8 inches tall and couldn't talk. :)
Oh, you might feel differently about Ann Coulter if she were only 8 inches tall and couldn't talk. :)

LOL. I have to say. That's true. Perhaps I would be tempted to throw a ball at her and let her fetch it for me. Are we talking about a house trained Coulter or as she is today?
LOL. I have to say. That's true. Perhaps I would be tempted to throw a ball at her and let her fetch it for me. Are we talking about a house trained Coulter or as she is today?
Oh, house broken for sure. One of the great things about cats is that they're fastidious little fuzzballs. Let the litter box get dirty and they'll tell you about it.
Oh, house broken for sure. One of the great things about cats is that they're fastidious little fuzzballs. Let the litter box get dirty and they'll tell you about it.

Well, I guess maybe they aren't so bad. A house trained, silent, miniature Coulter wouldn't be so bad.