Just For You, LadyT


This woman makes me think of you. She rescued a lion cub in Colombia -- why a lion cub would be wandering around Columbia is never explained -- but this incident takes place some time later. She nursed the orphaned cub back to health and then gave him up to a wildlife refuge

This is the result.

Weird. Lions don't have the same cultural cues as us and for her to use one of our cultural cues is truly a curious event. Sure it wasn't rehearsed?
She clearly trained it. Notice she taps the gate giving the training cue to jump up and give the hug.
She taps the gate of the pen the lion is in, he jumps up and gives her a hug, she pets him a bit.
I couldn't see it. I was too busy watching the banner above the window showing Penelope Cruz bouncing around on some guy.

LOL. I saw that and I just thought: thank god I didn't open this up at work!