Just how much does Facebook, etc track you?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
I went on a trip recently, and always logged into my Facebook account to post pictures at the hotel. I was curious to note, that Facebook had new ads for things selling. Check them out, and they are from the cities I have no affiliation with, outside of it being where I'm spending the night. Everyone should do themselves a favor, and delete their history, cookies, and cache now, and again. Not only does it make some things work better, but it clears up all those tracking cookies.
I went on a trip recently, and always logged into my Facebook account to post pictures at the hotel. I was curious to note, that Facebook had new ads for things selling. Check them out, and they are from the cities I have no affiliation with, outside of it being where I'm spending the night. Everyone should do themselves a favor, and delete their history, cookies, and cache now, and again. Not only does it make some things work better, but it clears up all those tracking cookies.

That's disturbing, isn't it?
I went on a trip recently, and always logged into my Facebook account to post pictures at the hotel. I was curious to note, that Facebook had new ads for things selling. Check them out, and they are from the cities I have no affiliation with, outside of it being where I'm spending the night. Everyone should do themselves a favor, and delete their history, cookies, and cache now, and again. Not only does it make some things work better, but it clears up all those tracking cookies.

That actually doesn't have anything to do with history, cookies, or cache. Facebook can tell where you are based on your IP Address. Or, if your using a phone, they can use your GPS. It's one of the simplest things for them to track really.
That actually doesn't have anything to do with history, cookies, or cache. Facebook can tell where you are based on your IP Address. Or, if your using a phone, they can use your GPS. It's one of the simplest things for them to track really.

Yeah, but I was super weirded out when the brought up a group they thought I'd like to join. It was one to boycott the new Star Wars. I don't really talk about it on Facebook much at all, but damn do I hate the new Star Wars. I am a serious fan of the real deal stuff, by George Lucas though, and like it on Facebook.
Yeah, but I was super weirded out when the brought up a group they thought I'd like to join. It was one to boycott the new Star Wars. I don't really talk about it on Facebook much at all, but damn do I hate the new Star Wars. I am a serious fan of the real deal stuff, by George Lucas though, and like it on Facebook.

LOL yeah, they absolutely do track all the stuff you post on Facebook. That's actually creepier than just the location sniffing. Facebook has tons of really personal data from the stuff you post on there. Google hates it because it's all locked off from their search bots, that's why they are pushing Google+ so hard.
Yeah, but I was super weirded out when the brought up a group they thought I'd like to join. It was one to boycott the new Star Wars. I don't really talk about it on Facebook much at all, but damn do I hate the new Star Wars. I am a serious fan of the real deal stuff, by George Lucas though, and like it on Facebook.

Did you also hate the prequels?
Did you also hate the prequels?

They had some annoying things, but also had some of my favorite things. They told the origins, and brought new life to the story. The new ones copied, and pasted so much, and had stupid concepts they destroyed the old story to tell. I don't like agreeing with Conservatives, but they went a bit PC on it. I'd rather they had just tried to make some of the expanded universe stuff into the movies.
They had some annoying things, but also had some of my favorite things. They told the origins, and brought new life to the story. The new ones copied, and pasted so much, and had stupid concepts they destroyed the old story to tell. I don't like agreeing with Conservatives, but they went a bit PC on it. I'd rather they had just tried to make some of the expanded universe stuff into the movies.

Agree with your last sentence. I think Episode III came the closest to telling an interesting origin story. Episode II was utterly a lost cause, and Episode I had some fun sequences, such as the pod racing. By contrast, Episode VII was complete garbage, but Episode VIII was mostly pretty good.
Agree with your last sentence. I think Episode III came the closest to telling an interesting origin story. Episode II was utterly a lost cause, and Episode I had some fun sequences, such as the pod racing. By contrast, Episode VII was complete garbage, but Episode VIII was mostly pretty good.

Besides Jango Fett, and the battle at the end, Episode II didn't have much. It was too much story telling, and romanticizing. I actually would skip some of that movie when watching them.
Besides Jango Fett, and the battle at the end, Episode II didn't have much. It was too much story telling, and romanticizing. I actually would skip some of that movie when watching them.

I think Episode I could have been significantly enhanced if they eliminated the Trade Federation, and made it into a hostile neighboring planet; turned Jar Jar into a scout ranger, of sorts, who got little respect, because he came from a water-based society (and ditched the clumsy, stupid, comedy, etc); and then altered the final battle so that the improbable space battle failed (and Anakin either gets shot down, and survives via the force, or never leaves the surface), but the battle in the swamp ends in a decisive Gungan victory, when they lure the droid army into the sea, where a powerful navy emerges to win the day.

These changes also would have spilled-over into the sequels, making them all a little better.
I got done talking about authentic Chinese food here on JPP, and then on Facebook later, they gave me a suggestion of an Authentic Asian video, where they were making Chinese street food.
I got done talking about authentic Chinese food here on JPP, and then on Facebook later, they gave me a suggestion of an Authentic Asian video, where they were making Chinese street food.

I learn to make some Chinese from YouTube!
I can make egg fu yung just like the Chinese restaurants