Just imagine the tRumpanzee outrage if Hillary and Obama had pulled this type of B.S.


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I am not quite sure exactly when Hillary called tRump to concede the election, but it was pretty quick. And I believe that she had the same EC total that tRump has and will have. I also seem to remember Obama contacting tRump there shortly after and inviting tRump to the White House in spite of years of tRump "Birther" total bullshit. These are TWO examples of how things are supposed to be done.

Now, just imagine the opposite. Imagine Hillary filing frivolous lawsuits like tRump has done. She could have done so very easily. Had that happened, the tRumpanzee hipocrits would have gone "apeshit". Also, imagine that Obama stalled and obstructed the access to information that the tRump transition team needed? Again, the tRumpanzees would have gone "apeshit".

The simple reality is that the hipocrit tRumpanzee fanatics will gladly flush our constitutional normalities and democracy down the proverbial toilet to see their "cult leader" re-elected. It is no more complicated than that.

Simply put, the tRump base is as "Anti-American" as any fanatical group that we have seen both here and abroad in a very long time. Maybe ever.
She called the next day. Trump still has corrupt lawyers and people trying to steal it. He will let that play out and then start the overthrow of the American system.
I am not quite sure exactly when Hillary called tRump to concede the election, but it was pretty quick. And I believe that she had the same EC total that tRump has and will have. I also seem to remember Obama contacting tRump there shortly after and inviting tRump to the White House in spite of years of tRump "Birther" total bullshit. These are TWO examples of how things are supposed to be done.

Now, just imagine the opposite. Imagine Hillary filing frivolous lawsuits like tRump has done. She could have done so very easily. Had that happened, the tRumpanzee hipocrits would have gone "apeshit". Also, imagine that Obama stalled and obstructed the access to information that the tRump transition team needed? Again, the tRumpanzees would have gone "apeshit".

The simple reality is that the hipocrit tRumpanzee fanatics will gladly flush our constitutional normalities and democracy down the proverbial toilet to see their "cult leader" re-elected. It is no more complicated than that.

Simply put, the tRump base is as "Anti-American" as any fanatical group that we have seen both here and abroad in a very long time. Maybe ever.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had respect for our democratic institutions and traditions, and they obviously have a marrow-deep commitment to democracy.

In attempting to thwart the will of the people, TrumpCo. is behaving exactly like Eastern European dictators, aka Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin