APP - Just like we told you. There is no there there


Former Vice President

“You and I both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I’d be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern that there’s no big there there,” he texted Page.

It is almost like the democrat party wants to re-elect Donald Trump. If the democrat party had any sense, they would get out in front of this fiasco and say, "we don't think there is any collusion between Trump and Russia".

Otherwise when this blows up, it will blow up all over them. They will assure a Trump victory in 2020 hands down. If what they want is to defeat Trump, the last thing they need is for him to be able to say he was right about this being a witch hunt for all the American people to see.

This is why you see Republicans starting to circle the wagons around Trump. They know the likelihood of Mueller finding anything is remote and this won't stick to them.

Will the democrat party do the right thing and end this or will they double down? I suspect they will double down because they really don't have a choice. They are all in now and their only hope is for the main stream media to try to run cover for them. But, they won't be able to.