Just look at the things he's done!


I kick troll ass
General Mills notified retail customers that it's raising prices in mid-January on hundreds of items across dozens of brands.

Prices will go up by around 20% beginning next year.

General Mills' plans are the latest evidence that rising prices won't be going away anytime soon for some of the most recognizable food and household brands.

The company is the latest consumer manufacturer to announce price hikes beginning next year, joining Tyson, Kraft Heinz, Mondelez , Procter & Gamble (PG), Kimberly Clark and others.

Prices climbed 1% in October from September and were 5.4% higher than at the same time last year, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Inflation on food, beverages and household basics will climb to 8% during the first half of 2022, projects IRI, a market research firm. IRI tracks prices, point-of-sale and volume data, promotions and trends at big-box stores, wholesale clubs, supermarkets, pharmacies and other consumer channels.

The producer-price index, which measures the price manufacturers receive for their goods and services, jumped 0.6% last month from September and rose 8.6% annually.

General Mills said that it was responding to higher materials and labor costs. "The current operating environment is as dynamic as we've experienced in at least a decade, resulting in significant input cost inflation, labor shortages, and challenges servicing the business," General Mills said.


Now it's the Dollar and a Quarter Tree. Thanks, Biden

Dollar Tree Makes It Official: Items Will Now Cost $1.25

Dollar Tree said the reason for raising its prices to $1.25 was not due to “short-term or transitory market conditions” and said the price increases were permanent. The higher prices will also allow the company to cope with high merchandise cost increases as well as higher operating costs, such as wages, it said.

Have you ever noticed Democrats can never please a TRUMPTARD?

They always sweat all the small shit!

harsh........1.2M brown people crossed the border illegally and all you racists can do is call them small shit........I dare bet many of them are stacked as tall as you are.......
Did it how. Spell it out.

What do you think the dollar figure is that Biden gave to the Taliban of American Military hardware? 85 billion? How much?

How many fully automatic rifles did Biden give the Taliban? That's just small arms, you fucking fucktard.

"just" machine guns.
Tanks, mortars, robot drones, motion sensor cannons. They got all that. Your boy gave away our infantry military. Not a good thing.

It blows the mind how that could even happen without a motherfucker hanging for being a traitor.

Real talk, motherfucker.
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OPEC has rejected President Joe Biden’s plea to pump more oil and 11 DEMOCRAT senators have revived a lame old “answer” to soaring gasoline prices: opening up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Not a word about boosting domestic production, which Team Biden has been actively discouraging.

The senators know that gas prices averaging their highest level since 2014, up $1 a gallon since last November, is trouble. But they don’t have the guts to point to the cause.

Biden’s disastrous energy policies began his first day with the killing of the Keystone XL pipeline. He’s also nixed new oil and gas leasing on federal land and waters and imposed hefty new regulations on domestic energy production.

All that is supposedly to save the planet, though that’s hard to square with begging OPEC to do more.

The latest: The White House is looking at canceling Michigan’s L5 pipeline — which would deepen the shortage and kill thousands of jobs across the Midwest.

With winter coming, the shortages (plus Bidenflation in general) will mean hefty heating bills. And opening the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has never made a major difference.

Count this nightmare as just one more of DEMOCRATS’ ideology-driven policies slamming average folks.
