Just out of curiosity...


Verified User
Who on this forum uses multiple user names? I certainly never have but I run across posts of people accusing others of doing so.

Who does that? What a ridiculous length to go to just for the sake of pushing a partisan viewpoint.
Who on this forum uses multiple user names? I certainly never have but I run across posts of people accusing others of doing so.

Who does that? What a ridiculous length to go to just for the sake of pushing a partisan viewpoint.

Who cares. Either you read someone's post and respond or don't.
I dont get the point of socks so no, not me. that said they are very popular so perhaps someone can explain the point in a way I will understand. just seems lke a lot of effort for nothing.

We did use they on one board I modded on to perform actual mod chores so it may be that the excess work there colored by views on the subject
Who on this forum uses multiple user names? I certainly never have but I run across posts of people accusing others of doing so.

Who does that? What a ridiculous length to go to just for the sake of pushing a partisan viewpoint.

Several do it, “copy and paste” perhaps the most, but there are others, one who does it from both sides of the issue, easy to spot cause his posts are heavily partisan and he can not carry on an exchange beyond the topic post

Done for several reasons, one to post something and if it doesn’t get attention respond to your own post under another name to bring it back to the top. Another purpose is to carry on an exchange with yourself, usually using one identity to concur or agree with the other, you see it often when the original poster is taking a beating on his topic post. Plus they do it because they are here seemingly here 24/7 and it becomes obvious if they post under the same name.

Several other reasons, just look for similarities and styles in the posts
Who on this forum uses multiple user names? I certainly never have but I run across posts of people accusing others of doing so.

Who does that? What a ridiculous length to go to just for the sake of pushing a partisan viewpoint.

Our resident idiot savant.
Several do it, “copy and paste” perhaps the most, but there are others, one who does it from both sides of the issue, easy to spot cause his posts are heavily partisan and he can not carry on an exchange beyond the topic post

Done for several reasons, one to post something and if it doesn’t get attention respond to your own post under another name to bring it back to the top. Another purpose is to carry on an exchange with yourself, usually using one identity to concur or agree with the other, you see it often when the original poster is taking a beating on his topic post. Plus they do it because they are here seemingly here 24/7 and it becomes obvious if they post under the same name.

Several other reasons, just look for similarities and styles in the posts

Shades of Norman Bates.
I tried it,
just for fun,
making no effort to fool anybody,
but I thoroughly fucked it up on the very first post
and suffered the deserved embarrassment that went with that.

I don't care about hosiery marionettes one way or the other, but my personal experience was bad.
Who on this forum uses multiple user names? I certainly never have but I run across posts of people accusing others of doing so.

Who does that? What a ridiculous length to go to just for the sake of pushing a partisan viewpoint.

Sometimes people do it as humor ... and sometimes as a 'Guess Who' game.
Who on this forum uses multiple user names? I certainly never have but I run across posts of people accusing others of doing so.

Who does that? What a ridiculous length to go to just for the sake of pushing a partisan viewpoint.

I have wondered this same thing....I adore games and all but it seems to me that nothing good can come from driving multiple avatars, so I wonder why people do it.
Who on this forum uses multiple user names? I certainly never have but I run across posts of people accusing others of doing so.

Who does that? What a ridiculous length to go to just for the sake of pushing a partisan viewpoint.

There's many people here who use socks!
It's really hard to tell what's a sock!