Just wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas.


Junior Member
Hello everyone.

There seems to be a lot of new faces... scratch that... avatars around here and some posts with different names but oddly enough similar styles to people that I seem to remember.

I pray things are going well for all of you and that those of you in the north are keeping warm.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it. Happy Holidays to everyone and a better year than the last two for us all.


PS: for those of you who wonder, that last sentiment about a better year than the last two, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that President Obama has now been in office for two years. It has everything to do with the fact that the last two years have just plain sucked for me. God bless everyone
Hey, Immie - Merry xmas! Good to see you again, albeit briefly.

Sorry to hear that things have sucked for you recently; chin up - things always turn around...
Merry Christmas, Immie. Get your ass back over here and hang out with us more!!

I have actually been trying to do that. I log in take one look at the "Unread Posts" and :palm:. It just seems so over-whelming whenever I look at it. Also, I never like coming into the middle of long discussions so I would log in, see what was going on and then decide against posting.

Hello everyone.

There seems to be a lot of new faces... scratch that... avatars around here and some posts with different names but oddly enough similar styles to people that I seem to remember.

I pray things are going well for all of you and that those of you in the north are keeping warm.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it. Happy Holidays to everyone and a better year than the last two for us all.


PS: for those of you who wonder, that last sentiment about a better year than the last two, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that President Obama has now been in office for two years. It has everything to do with the fact that the last two years have just plain sucked for me. God bless everyone

I am sorry, even though I don't know you. I hope everything gets better!
Is Care still not speaking to you for voting for W in '04?

As a matter of fact... Care and I don't seem to cross paths that often any more. As far as I know she has forgiven me for that indiscretion, but I think she has cut her postings down a tremendous amount. We hardly ever even say hi anymore.

It has to be something I did, but I can't think of what it might have been.

Hello everyone.

There seems to be a lot of new faces... scratch that... avatars around here and some posts with different names but oddly enough similar styles to people that I seem to remember.

I pray things are going well for all of you and that those of you in the north are keeping warm.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it. Happy Holidays to everyone and a better year than the last two for us all.


PS: for those of you who wonder, that last sentiment about a better year than the last two, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that President Obama has now been in office for two years. It has everything to do with the fact that the last two years have just plain sucked for me. God bless everyone
Hey Immie, Merry Christmas and I hope next year moves things in a much more positive direction for you. Don't make your self a stranger and best of luck to ya!