Just Watched "Planet of the Apes" again...


Staff member
I forgot how much I really like the original flick.

Another thing I'd love, if TV Land would start showing repeats of "The Prisoner"... and old "Mission Impossible" episodes.
love that movie and a few of the others....

liked how the movie did a good job of portraying our society

I've always felt that the best science fiction does that very well, that it exposes humans for what we are.
I've always felt that the best science fiction does that very well, that it exposes humans for what we are.

Escapism with a taste of what we could be (or already are), for better or worse.
I forgot how much I really like the original flick.

Another thing I'd love, if TV Land would start showing repeats of "The Prisoner"... and old "Mission Impossible" episodes.

According to people who know about telly and that, a remake of 'The Prisoner' is coming to UK screens, this very year, starring the bloke who played Jesus in Mad Mel Gibson's 'Passion Fruit Christ'.

I'm already betting it will be rubbish.
According to people who know about telly and that, a remake of 'The Prisoner' is coming to UK screens, this very year, starring the bloke who played Jesus in Mad Mel Gibson's 'Passion Fruit Christ'.

I'm already betting it will be rubbish.
I don't want some sort of remake. That's like what Mormonism is to Christianity.
I don't want some sort of remake. That's like what Mormonism is to Christianity.

"They" don't care what you want as they know best what's good for you.

Incidentally, is it just me who is having all manner of problems with the board today?

I keep getting -

"The Forum is closed because a database backup is in progress" messages. (For a whole hour this morning and intermittently just now.)
"They" don't care what you want as they know best what's good for you.

Incidentally, is it just me who is having all manner of problems with the board today?

I keep getting -

"The Forum is closed because a database backup is in progress" messages. (For a whole hour this morning and intermittently just now.)

Yeah Damo has to keep plugging in new flash drives.
"They" don't care what you want as they know best what's good for you.

Incidentally, is it just me who is having all manner of problems with the board today?

I keep getting -

"The Forum is closed because a database backup is in progress" messages. (For a whole hour this morning and intermittently just now.)
Nah, the auto-backup seems to be on the fritz. I've shut it off.