Just when I get tooth#8 fixed, this happens...


Worst gambler ever
Everything in my life was finally on track, going fantastic. I've got a place lined up in Hawaii, that pesky foot fungus was finally killed, and I can smile without covering my mouth with my hand.

Then this happens.

I was doing my laundry today, whites, and the wash cycle ended, so I go to put the clothes in the dryer. I open the door, put the four quarters in, and start tossing my clothes in. While I'm throwing my last heap into the machine, a freakin' moth flies in and the clothes land on top of him. Then, to my horror, I can't find him. I root through all my clothes, and he's gone. That little bastard had better end up in the lint trap.

Why me? Why ALWAYS me?
Everything in my life was finally on track, going fantastic. I've got a place lined up in Hawaii, that pesky foot fungus was finally killed, and I can smile without covering my mouth with my hand.

Then this happens.

I was doing my laundry today, whites, and the wash cycle ended, so I go to put the clothes in the dryer. I open the door, put the four quarters in, and start tossing my clothes in. While I'm throwing my last heap into the machine, a freakin' moth flies in and the clothes land on top of him. Then, to my horror, I can't find him. I root through all my clothes, and he's gone. That little bastard had better end up in the lint trap.

Why me? Why ALWAYS me?

Wait, I'm not sure, what is it that you're worried about?
Well, the moth is going to die. lol. No, I know what you mean, just shake out all of your clothes once they're dry. It is a little creepy crawly.

Creepy is right. What if he lives? What if he finds a nice little spot in my drawers? And then starts feeding on me dangly when I put them on. Will it all be "lol's" then?
Creepy is right. What if he lives? What if he finds a nice little spot in my drawers? And then starts feeding on me dangly when I put them on. Will it all be "lol's" then?

Put some thumbsuck on it, that is the stuff they rub on toddler's thumbs, so they do not suck on them, moths will find it no more tasty on your weenie, think about it, do I have to do all of the thinking around here?
Put some thumbsuck on it, that is the stuff they rub on toddler's thumbs, so they do not suck on them, moths will find it no more tasty on your weenie, think about it, do I have to do all of the thinking around here?

LOL Let me put it so you can understand how it is for me. I'm a severe insectophobichylamidya. I don't hate, nor harm insects, but I fear them like an elephant to a mouse. If you were doing your laundry, and a colony of potato bugs and bark beetles suddenly got into the dryer with your clothes, and you couldn't find them, then I'd welcome you to my hell.

Anyhow, the moth ended up in the lint trap, and I managed to light the machine on fire, so its all good now.
LOL Let me put it so you can understand how it is for me. I'm a severe insectophobichylamidya. I don't hate, nor harm insects, but I fear them like an elephant to a mouse. If you were doing your laundry, and a colony of potato bugs and bark beetles suddenly got into the dryer with your clothes, and you couldn't find them, then I'd welcome you to my hell.

Anyhow, the moth ended up in the lint trap, and I managed to light the machine on fire, so its all good now.

I did not need the long explanation, I am starting to wonder if you took my fleeting interest the wrong way, and now think you have to tell me the minute details of all of your lib mental problems, in some sort of Dear RJS cyber column? Thank you, butt, no?
I did not need the long explanation, I am starting to wonder if you took my fleeting interest the wrong way, and now think you have to tell me the minute details of all of your lib mental problems, in some sort of Dear RJS cyber column? Thank you, butt, no?



I seriously doubt anyone cares to here your opinion on pretty much anything, RJS.

BTW, Beefy, the scientific conclusion that you came to in that last sentence was brilliant, if I do say so myself. You might consider publishing it.
Put some thumbsuck on it, that is the stuff they rub on toddler's thumbs, so they do not suck on them, moths will find it no more tasty on your weenie, think about it, do I have to do all of the thinking around here?


Are you stupit or something?

Butt? Butt what?
Hantin'? Not even close. Laughing at funny moth fears, hatin'? Nah.

I get the creepy crawlies from bugs too. The only time I have ever been able to face down a bee, and not run screaming, was when one was flying around my nephew's head. For the first time ever, I chose fight instead of flight when confronted by a bug. They make me shudder.
I get the creepy crawlies from bugs too. The only time I have ever been able to face down a bee, and not run screaming, was when one was flying around my nephew's head. For the first time ever, I chose fight instead of flight when confronted by a bug. They make me shudder.
I deal with bees by just letting them fly around. They aren't going to hurt you, it isn't like they have little death wishes and love dying by ripping their bodies nearly in half by stinging you. If you leave them alone they will return the favor.
This thread is pretty revealing -- we wouldn't need any prior information to determine who lives in the city vs. the country, would we! :p

Insects are a way of life in the outback. The only ones I really won't put up with are the black widow spiders that like secluded, sheltered spots, the brown recluse spiders that can do a bad number on you if they bite, and the miller moths that get into packages of crackers and cereal. The rest, if they manage to get into the house, are "escorted" outside. A bit further north there's a big problem with scorpions. Don't think I'd be too willing to coexist with them, either.

We've had an invasion of salamanders this year, every time we get a heavy rain. My (NJ suburbanite) husband won't touch them so I get the privilege of putting them into a bucket to return them to the nearby playa lake as heron food. :)