Just wondering


I was watching part of the Twilight Zone Marathan, over the last few days, and it started me wondering about something.

Both sides of the political fence are complaining about the way the Government is run and it started me thinking about where the fault lies.
Personally, I believe it falls with the populace.

My reason(s) are thus:
When I was growing up, there was no "Welfare", no "Foodstamps", no Government handouts.
There was some subsidized housing; but that was only in the larger cities.

People relied on family, friends, and Churches, if they needed help or were in things over their heads.
People looked out for each other and helped each other.
You could leave your house, go to the store, and not have to lock your door.
Neighbors knew each other and they also knew when someone "different" was around.

I'm not saying it was Eden or idelyic; because bad people still did bad things.

It just seems now that people don't care about many things that are beyond their own property fence line.

Now I know that my last comment was more simplistic then things actually are; but it seems like it's closer to the truth then not.

Maybe this is why people look to the Government and feel that it's the States duty to take care of them; because they have nothing else.
This doesn't mean that I think that this is the way it should be.

This is much shorter of an query and explanation, then could be written; but I'm just wondering what others think.

And; this is not about left/right; because I think that there are those on both sides that are failing in this.

Damn, there is no icon for :soapbox:!!
I was watching part of the Twilight Zone Marathan, over the last few days, and it started me wondering about something.

Both sides of the political fence are complaining about the way the Government is run and it started me thinking about where the fault lies.
Personally, I believe it falls with the populace.

My reason(s) are thus:
When I was growing up, there was no "Welfare", no "Foodstamps", no Government handouts.
There was some subsidized housing; but that was only in the larger cities.

People relied on family, friends, and Churches, if they needed help or were in things over their heads.
People looked out for each other and helped each other.
You could leave your house, go to the store, and not have to lock your door.
Neighbors knew each other and they also knew when someone "different" was around.

I'm not saying it was Eden or idelyic; because bad people still did bad things.

It just seems now that people don't care about many things that are beyond their own property fence line.

Now I know that my last comment was more simplistic then things actually are; but it seems like it's closer to the truth then not.

Maybe this is why people look to the Government and feel that it's the States duty to take care of them; because they have nothing else.
This doesn't mean that I think that this is the way it should be.

This is much shorter of an query and explanation, then could be written; but I'm just wondering what others think.

And; this is not about left/right; because I think that there are those on both sides that are failing in this.

Damn, there is no icon for :soapbox:!!

Just wandering would have been a better title and more accurately describing this meandering old tosh.
Ask yourself where the infant mortality rate and life expectancy has gone since those social programs started up.
Just a couple of points I thought of.