Justice Dept. Probing Whether Gonzales Lied


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Justice Dept. Probing Whether Gonzales Lied

By Dan Eggen and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writer and washingtonpost.com Staff Writer
Friday, August 31, 2007; Page A01

The Justice Department's inspector general indicated yesterday that he is investigating whether departing Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales gave false or misleading testimony to Congress, including whether he lied under oath about warrantless surveillance and the firings of nine U.S. attorneys.

The disclosure by Inspector General Glenn A. Fine in a letter to Congress signals an expansion of the department's internal investigations into Gonzales's troubled tenure, probes that were not previously known to be focused so sharply on the attorney general and his testimony.

Fine's office has also separately expanded a probe into whether senior Gonzales aides improperly considered partisan affiliations when reviewing applicants for nonpolitical career positions. As part of that inquiry,

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Damn do you know how much flack I used to take for doing this?

I would post a good story like this for discussion and people would spend a half hour talking about how I didnt comment on the story when I posted it.

But I digress, Great story usc.

Im going to have to read up on this guy to see if he is legit or a crony.

I guess if he doesnt see Gonzo as a liar he is a crony thought it was pretty blatent he lied.
I am just glad that his leaving does not appear to be effecting the investigation much. And might help it if he is not an official how can he refuse to testify ?