Justices rule for student in ‘cursing cheerleader’ case


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What would free speech in this Christian and moral society you speak of look like? We have close to 1000 years of history in Europe from the dark ages up to colonialism to see just how free those people were, and that's a big reason why we have the freedoms we do today.

We should adopt a code of ethical behavior which would give us a healthy degree of freedom but which each of us would voluntarily follow as best we could.

Freedom of speech for those with different values than ours or those who have a 'lower' set of ethics or values or morality automatically lowers the ethical restraints of the society.

And as we are so ready to bring in all sorts of people from abroad who are not Americanized to our existing set of values, their having freedoms that we have is like saying that everyone who can pick up a glass should be allowed to drink whiskey.

Freedom of speech is a powerful thing and not everyone knows how to use it wisely.