Justices rule for student in ‘cursing cheerleader’ case


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:) Well, I trace my ancestors back to the second ship to land at Plymouth colony, the 'Fortune'. They were 'Puritans' who tried to 'purify' the Anglican church back in England. Once they got here, some embraced 'Quakerism', and were run out of the Colony to settle elsewhere, like Pennsylvania that was a 'Quaker Colony'. So, right from the git-go, the 'Religious Quacks' began causing Problems.

"Boston martyrs
The Boston martyrs is the name given in Quaker tradition to the three English members of the Society of Friends, Marmaduke Stephenson, William Robinson and Mary Dyer, and to the Friend William Leddra of Barbados, who were condemned to death and executed by public hanging for their religious beliefs under the legislature of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1659, 1660 and 1661.Wikipedia"

See the problem?

And that is a useful lesson (among many others) to teach us what not to do as we strive to save America.